Follow the instructions below to buid AGL image that incldues GENIVI SOTA project and OSTree.
- Prepare Repo:
mkdir ~/bin
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
- Get all layers:
repo init -u
repo sync
- Get layer meta-ota-plus:
git clone
- Set up the development environment for QEMU:
source meta-agl/scripts/ qemux86-64
Add layer meta-ota-plus to BBLAYERS in conf/bblayers.conf using your favorite text editor
Add the following line to conf/local.conf to enable and lauch CES2016 home application at startup:
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " ota-plus-apps"
- Build the AGL demo platform with GENIVI SOTA project, ostree, etc:
bitbake agl-ota-plus
- Execute the following command within the build direction to go to the directory with QEMU images:
cd tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/
- Execute the following command to run AGL in QEMU:
QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa; $HOME/agl/poky/scripts/runqemu
bzImage-qemux86-64.bin agl-ota-plus-qemux86-64.ext4
- Alternatively, execute the following command to run AGL in QEMUwith enabled VNC:
QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa; $HOME/agl/poky/scripts/runqemu bzImage-qemux86-64.bin agl-ota-plus-qemux86-64.ext4 qemuparams="-nographic -vnc :0"