User script for your browser, to empower Open Food Facts contribution. Power User Script is a kind of laboratory, to explore new features before they can get into Open Food Facts.
Some features:
- keyboard shortcuts to different pages: product edition (e), product JSON (a), view mode (v), etc.
- styling improvements via CSS: barcode highlighted, fields highlighted, etc.
- show/hide barcode
- show/hide helpers
- sidebar quick links: page translation, category translation, Recent Changes, Hunger Game...
- inline edit of ingredients
- information enhancements beside barcode number: links to Google search, Open Beauty Facts, etc.
- information enhancements in the confirmation page: product issues, going further, etc.
- recent changes filter (filter as you type)
- etc. See complete list in the "changelog" or directly in JS code
To run userscripts it's best to have a script manager installed. Userscript managers are available as browser extensions:
- Greasemonkey – works with Firefox -
- Tampermonkey – works with Chrome, Safari, Firefox and other browsers -
Choose an appropriate manager and install it according to the requirements of your browser.
Once your script manager is installed you can go to
Just click on the Raw button and your script manager will ask you if you want to install the script.
- Fix moving products to OPF, OBF, OPFF
- Exclude
- Exclude
- Fix kJ/kcal ratio to 4.2 instead of 4.4
- Product list: rotate images
- Search as you type to filter changes. Useful for many cases:
- find additions or changes
- monitor changes for specific fields
- monitor changes from specific users
- Products' list: add button to each product to open Hunger Game
- Add option to display barcodes by default
- Edit mode: compute and display energy in real-time
- Let panels use less space
- Add "History" anchor in the nav bar
- Check serving size field
- Colorize icon ⇅ when kJ/kcal values are not coherent (ratio is displayed inside ⇅ tooltip)
- Small UI improvements (smaller fixed validation bar)
- Better organization of the code; more code in vanilla JS (faster and less dependant from libraries)
- Button ⇅ to reverse kj/kcal
- "No quality errors" is back
- Hack to prevent product opener regression in saved-product page
- Distraction free mode: Open Food Facts top bar is hidden. Option to check or uncheck (by default) in the settings.
- The nutrition facts form has many improvements: now fits in one screen on a HD display at 100%.
- fix nutrition image size on Chrome and Safari
- Delete hunger games links which are now in Product Opener.
- CSS tweaks:
- nutrition facts table more condensed
- products issues are well displayed
- Categories, brands and labels' facets: added Hunger Game deep link as a button right after the title
- Edition:
- Quick and dirty hack to control and manage kj/kcal inversion
- Control fiber field
- Remove "edit" button feature in list mode (added in Product Opener)
- Fix some regressions due to Open Food Facts redesign of 2022-10
- Add a deep link to Hunger Game for brand on product's page
- Add "n" keyboard shortcut in list mode to reload the list without cache (&nocache=1 parameter)
- Add ->OPetFF button in list mode (to move products to Open Pet Food Facts), and improve error handling
- Add ->OPF button in list mode (to move products to Open Products Facts)
- Recent changes link displays 100# instead of 900#
- Fix product list view tweaks to work with new layout
- Add graphical barcodes to list view (shift-B) (Issue #26)
- Add option to set ingredient textareas to fixed width font, to make it easier to see bad OCR, such as when it confuses "m" and "rn" (e.g. corn), lowercase l/L and uppercase i/I, letter O with number 0, etc.
- minor fixes and code tidying
- fixes from @svensven (thanks!)
- Categorization opportunities link
- Add DuckDuckGo link for product barcode (near the barcode)
- Deep link to Hunger Game when the page is related to a category, label or brand
- exclude wiki pages from script
- Modify link to hunger game
- Nutrition facts picture takes all the place available: should work for every modern browser (CSS3)
- very small update, the "a" key now opens the json page in a new window (instead of Alt+Shift+A)
- Confirmation page: quality errors and quality warnings displayed in red (or green when it's all right)
- Google Link for product barcode (near the barcode)
- Link to Open Pet Food Facts (near the barcode)
- Firefox: Nutrition facts picture takes all the place available
- Add link and its status code (200 = the product exists; 404 it doesn't)
- Add link (status code isn't working)
- Add "ingredient mode" to simplify ingredients management => ("i" key in "edit" mode)
- Developper: console.log messages more clear
- Add a field to filter Recent Changes results (filter as you type)
- Add version date to flag feature
- Add Hunger Game link
- Various fixes
- Change "?" menu position
- Edit mode: show/hide field help comments
- flagging improvement
- allow flagging on page which is not a revision
- add product_improvement
- reorganize menu and add separators
- Detect pro platform + add product public URL
- Add quick links in the sidebar
- Refactor help box
- change @updateURL to
- comment code made for easier to read number of products because of openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server#2474
- number of products easier to read (with separators depending on your locale); see: openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-server#2474
- initial publication on this current Github repo