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OBEU Platform

Software Running on OBEU Platform

The software stack consists of several softwares (OBEU-Components) provided by the partners in the OBEU-project as well as from other Open-Source-projects:

  • LinkedPipes

    • With FDP-to-RDF-pipeline
    • Accessible through SSH
      • http://localhost:8080
  • Alignment

    • Running on:
  • Rudolf

    • API running on:
  • RDFBrowser

  • DAM

    • Running on:
  • Indigo

    • Running on:
  • Nginx as Reverse Proxy

  • Microsite

    • Running on:
  • OpenSpending-Viewer

    • Running on:
    • Example:
  • Silk Linked Data Integration Framework

  • Virtuoso

    • From docker hub
    • Accessible through SSH
      • Virtuoso Staging: http://localhost:8890
      • Virtuoso Production: http://localhost:8891
  • Dumps-folder for the FDP-to-RDF-pipeline-transformations and other datasets:


Replica of OBEU Platform

It is possible to replicate the components running on OBEU platform to your own platform. The components are managed by using Docker and Docker-Compose, so you need have this two software installed on you server. For detail information about how to install docker and docker-compose, please check

The docker configuration files are included in the Integration repository, each component has its own folder, and every component is running within a separate docker container.

Hardware Recommendations

This section gives the hardware specifications of the OBEU platform as a reference for the deployment on your platform.

The current platform is running and tested with the following recommended hardware specifications:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz
  • 35GB RAM
  • 4GB Swap memory
  • 1TB hard disk for storage

Prepare The Integration

You need to make the integration folder prepared with all the shared volumes, static files placed in the correct path.

Clone the Integration Git Repository

You can git clone the repository by the following command:

git clone

Environment Variables

You can specify the host-specific environment-variables in the .env file similar to env.example file. Credentials are required for some components, and they are stored in .env file. For example for a local installation the Virtuoso credentials are: Username: dba, Password: TEST. Some specific software configurations are list as follows.


You need to replace the variables with domain in integration/docker-config/prod.yml to your_domain_name.


The configuration files of Rudolf are in docker-config/rudolf/config folder. You need to adapt the following settings:

  • php.ini
    • memory_limit = 2048M in case some request requires large memory.

You need to set the following environment variables of Indigo in file docker-config/indigo/environment.ts.

  • Rudolf api
    • apiUrl: 'your_domain_name/'
    • DAMUrl: 'your_domain_name/dam'
  • OpenCPU URL
    • openCpuEndpoint: 'your_domain_name/ocpu'

You also have to modify the Dockerfile docker-config/indigo/Dockerfile by removing the hashtag(#) in line 55 #COPY ./layout.ts /app/src/app/components/layout.ts to use the link in your own server.


You need to adapt the OBEU specific files in folder os-packager/obeu_specific. You need to replace the link to static files, like to your_domain_name/packager_black.svg in the following files:

  • default.json
  • footer.html

In order to upload dataset properly, you need to register in os-spending. Please contact us for the registration!


You need to change the following settings:

  • docker-config/os-viewer/obeu_specific/index.js
    • $scope.datamineUrl = 'your_domain_name/cube/analytics/' + dataMinePath;
  • change static file links from to your_domain_name
    • docker-config/os-viewer/prod_config/themes/default.json

In order to view dataset properly, you need to register in os-spending. Please contact us for the registration!


You need to change the following variables in docker-config/damapp/.env

  • Replace and with your_domain_name.
Alignment, KPI and RDFBrowser

You need to change the following settings in .env file on the root directory

  • replace domain name with your_domain_nameand with your_data_domain_name
#GLOBAL: Contains variables used by all containers

The staging version of Virtuoso is used by default. You need to adapt the following setttings in docker-config/virtuoso/staging/virtuoso.ini

  • ResultSetMaxRows = 500000;
    • set the maximum number of rows in the return result
  • MaxQueryMem = 16G;
    • set the maximum allowed memory consumption by query

Initialize Shared Volumes

You can use the provided bash shell script to initialize the share volumes in the integration folder.

sh ./

Prepare Domain Name

We use Nginx as a proxy server which runs in one docker container. You need to change the domain name according to your own case and HTTPS credential is needed in order to use HTTPS.

Nginx Server Configuration

The included domain name and subdomains are configured in docker-config/nginx/conf/nginx.conf, and all the included configuration files within docker-config/nginx/conf/nginx.conf are located in docker-config/nginx/conf/includes. You only need the following files:

  • http_server_eis_obeu.conf
    • You define your own domain name in this file with the following line
      • server_name your_domain_name;
    • It should listen on port 80
      • listen 80;
    • You can define all the included components as in Include Apps section.
  • https_server_eis_obeu.conf
    • You define domain name in this file with the following line:
      • server_name your_domain_name;
    • It should listen on port 443
      • listen 443 ssl;
  • http_server_data_obeu.conf
    • You define domain name in this file as
      • server_name your_domain_name;
    • It should listen on port 80
      • listen 80;


Triple store is running under subdomain It is configured in file docker-config/nginx/conf/includes/http_server_data_obeu.conf, and RDFBrowser and VirtuosoStaging are running under this subdomain. You need to changeporoxy_set_header to Host data.your_domain_name; in docker-config/nginx/conf/includes/locations/rdfbrowser.conf


There are some shell scripts provided to generate https credentials and ssl keys by using letsencrypt services running within docker container. You need to adapt the settings in letsEncryptProductionCert file with your own domain name. You have to change the line -d to your_domain_name in file letsencrypt/letsEncryptProductionCert. Afterwards you can generate credentials by using the following command in folder letsencrypt:

sh letsEncryptProductionCert

Then the credentials should already be generated to the shared volumes generated during initializing of the folders.

Running Docker Containers

After the environment variables is set up, then you can update from Integration git repository and (re-)starting Docker containers by provided bash shell script with the following command:

sh ./

Local Test

(1) Local Installation:

- Create & Initialize Volume Folders: sh ./
- Add the following Aliase for localhost in your /etc/host-file:
       * local.align
       * local.dam
       * local.micro
  For example your /etc/host-file may look like this:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 local.align local.dam local.micro
- Start applications (incl. update from remote repo): sh ./

Since the Virtuoso-Staging-DB will be empty, you will have to import datasets for seeing the results in the Viewer, Explorer.

Exposed components in a local OBEU installation:
    - LinkedPipes: http://localhost:8080
    - Virtuoso Staging: http://localhost:8890
    - Virtuoso Production: http://localhost:8891
    - OS-Viewer: http://localhost/viewer
    - Rudolf: http://localhost/api/3/cubes
    - Dump of the FDP-2-RDF-Pipeline: http://localhost/dumps
    - DAM: http://local.dam
    - Mirosite: http://local.micro
    - Alignment: http://local.align

Remark: If you running Docker within a VirtualBox via docker-machine, use the IP-Adress of the docker-machine (mostly this is: but you can find out via docker-machine ip) instead of localhost here.


How To import the FDP-2-RDF-Pipeline on LinkedPipes-Frontend (8080):
    Upload Pipeline from URL:

How to configure the TripleStore-Component in the FDP-2-RDF-Pipeline on LinkedPipes-Frontend (8080):
    (a) Select Repository: Fuseki
    (b) Graph store protocol endpoint: http://triple_store_staging:3030/fuseki/data
    (c) Target Graph IRI:
    (d) No authentication

How To configure Files-to-Scp-Component for a local OBEU-stack-installation on LinkedPipes-Frontend (8080):
    (a) Host-address: sshserver
    (b) User-name & Password: root
    (c) Target Directory: /dumps

Online you can find more information on how to establish a new subdomain via CNAME and how to modify nginx.conf.