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Documentation Guidelines

Thibault Pradal edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 32 revisions


To get to explain how code works, we need to get some documentation in our code, and in this document, you have some of the rules we created for OpenAlea.



Openalea uses Sphinx to generate our documentation and ReadTheDocs to build it and generate the OpenAlea website.

Sphinx theme

To stay in the same style as us, you need to work with the Read the Docs Sphinx Theme. The theme can be installed like this :

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Once you’ve installed the theme, write in your file :

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

Then write in the same file :

html_theme_options = { 'logo_only': True }

OpenAlea logo

Download the OpenAlea logo and put it your _static directory and then write in your file You can find the official logos here.

Among those, we recommend using this logo :

Link to the logo

You will also need to execute those two lines of code :

html_static_path = ['_static']
html_logo = "_static/openalea_web.svg"


Docstring are the fundamentals of explaining the code and what it does to people who want to either use or modify the code. OpenAlea uses autodoc from Sphinx to compile automatically the documentation from docstrings, and ReadTheDocs put them into the OpenAlea website.

Docstring style chart

  • Docstrings must be surrounded by triple quotes

  • Parameters must follow the following schema :

Var1 : type
    Description of `Var1`
    Description of `Var2` (type not specified)
  • Returns are pretty similar :
Var3 : int
    Description `Var3`
  • Errors can be detailed in a special field :
    Brief explanation of the error.

We use the NumPy docstring style, with more information here.

Docstring example

Here is an example of a documented function

def function(x: int, y: float, z: str = None) -> int:
    Main purpose of the function.

    x : integer
        Any information about `x`
    y : float
        Additional info about `y`
    z : String
        Additional info about  `z`

    Additional information can fit here. 

        details about the return value

        if `x == 0`

Writing the README file

README files are generally using Markdown in our packages, and should contain the following information :

  • Information about the package :
    • Authors
    • Institute
    • Status : what is is, which language it uses (e.g. : Python package)
    • License
    • URL of the official website or official documentation
  • Description : What does the package do.
  • Installation : How to install the package from a shell.
  • Configuration : What do you need to install this package.
  • Usage : Short tutorial on how to use the module for a non-specialized audience
  • Sponsors
  • Contribution : link to Git workflow

API documentation