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Release v0.0.1-4167

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@biplamal biplamal released this 21 Jul 09:51
· 326 commits to main since this release


This build includes new features.

Build Details

Component Version
Open Traffic Generator API 0.11.10
snappi 0.11.16
gosnappi 0.11.16
ixia-c-controller 0.0.1-4167
ixia-c-app-usage-reporter 0.0.1-37
ixia-c-ixhw-server 0.11.10-13
ixia-c-operator 0.3.4
ixia-c-gnmi-server 1.11.16
ixia-c-one 0.0.1-4167

Release Feature(s)

  • Enabling metric_tags for egress tracking is now also supported on ipv6.src/dst, ipv6.traffic_class, ipv6.flow_label and ipv6.payload_length. [Ixia-C]
      eth := flow.EgressPacket().Add().Ethernet()
      ipv6 := flow.EgressPacket().Add().Ipv6()
      ipv6Tag := ipv6.Dst().MetricTags().Add()
  • Support is available in gNMI to fetch the drill-down statistics for egress tracking as follows [Ixia-C] details:
      1. Flow level metrics + Tagged Metrics:
          example path: "flows/flow[name=f1]“
      2. Only Flow level metrics:
          example path: "flows/flow[name=f1]/state“
      3. Only Tagged metrics 
          example path: "flows/flow[name=f1]/tagged-metrics“
      4. Filtered Tagged metrics: 
          example path: "flows/flow[name=f1]/tagged-metrics/tagged-metric[name-value-pairs=flow_ipv6_dst=0x2]”

Bug Fix(s)

  • For flow.duration.continuous type of traffic in Ixia-C, intermittent issue where last few packets in a traffic flow were not accounted for in flow_metrics.frames_rx statistics after stopping a flow is fixed.
  • Proper error mesage is propagated to user if user has used community edition of Ixia-C (instead of licensed edition) and invoked any API/Configuration not supported by it.
    example: Device configuration is not supported in free version of controller.

Known Issues

  • Supported value for flows[i].metrics.latency.mode is cut_through.
  • The metric loss in flow metrics is currently not supported.
  • When flow transmit is started, transmission will be restarted on any existing flows already transmitting packets.
  • #118