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How to Create a CentOS Vagrant Base Box

hmartz edited this page Jan 16, 2013 · 2 revisions

Tested with CentOS 6.2, Vagrant 1.0.2, VirtualBox 4.1.14 on Ubuntu 10.04 (s031).

I did locally on my laptop as you need the VirtualBox GUI and then copied the final file up to s031.

1. Download and install VirtualBox

2. Download the CentOS 6.2 LiveCD

3. Make a new VM in VirtualBox:

  • Call it "vagrant-centos62-32"
  • Set OS to Linux and version to Red Hat
  • Go into the new VM's settings and disable audio and usb
4. Boot the VM and install CentOS 6.2 on it:
  • Set the root password to "vagrant":
  • For the non-root desktop user give username "vagrant" and password "vagrant"
  • Set the hostname to "vagrant-centos62"
5. Boot the VM into the CentOS, login to desktop as vagrant user, open terminal, su, install and enable openssh:
root@vagrant-centos62$ yum install openssh-server
root@vagrant-centos62$ service sshd start
root@vagrant-centos62$ chkconfig sshd on
root@vagrant-centos62$ netstat -tulpn | grep :22

6. Setup port forwarding in virtualbox. Shutdown the vm and from a host shell do:

you@host$ VBoxManage modifyvm "vagrant-centos62" --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"

7. Now you can ssh into the vm from a host shell:

you@host$ ssh -p 2222 root@

8. Install some stuff on the VM:

root@vagrant-centos62$ yum install nano wget gcc bzip2 make kernel-devel-`uname -r`

9. Install guest additions, easiest way is using Devices -> Install Guest Additions in the VM's GUI window.

10. Add vagrant user to admin group, from a root shell on the vm:

root@vagrant-centos62$ groupadd admin
root@vagrant-centos62$ usermod -G admin vagrant

11. Change the sudoers file, from a root shell on the vm do visudo and:

  • Add SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the env_keep option
  • Comment out the Defaults requiretty line
  • Add the line %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
The vagrant user should now be able to sudo without typing a password, try sudo ls from vagrant user's shell:
vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ sudo ls

12. Add vagrant's public key so vagrant user can ssh without password. From vagrant user's shell on vm:

vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ mkdir .ssh
vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ curl -k > .ssh/authorized_keys
vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ chmod 0755 .ssh
vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ chmod 0644 .ssh/authorized_keys

13. Finally package the box and add it to your vagrant boxes. From vagrant user's shell on vm:

vagrant@vagrant-centos62$ sudo yum clean all

Shutdown the vm, then from a host shell:

you@host$ vagrant package --output --base vagrant-centos62-32
you@host$ vagrant box add centos62-32

You should now have a centos62-32 base box in your vagrant boxes:

you@host$ vagrant box list

Now you can quickly create a Vagrant VM in any directory with:

you@host$ /tmp/my_vm $ vagrant init centos62-32
you@host$ /tmp/my_vm $ vagrant up
you@host$ /tmp/my_vm $ vagrant ssh

To use the VM on a new host machine, copy the file to the new host and from the new host's shell run the vagrant box add command on it, now you should see the centos62-32 box in vagrant box list on the new host and you can use the box vagrant init centos62-32.