cd into the project folder and run the following: uvicorn main:app --reload
access the swagger url with:
Click the Try it out button for the register POST request
Enter your values
Press Execute
Successful Response should look like:
Enter your email in the username field
Enter your password
Press Execute
A successful response should give a JWT token that can be used to authenticate subsequent requests
I would be using POSTMAN for subsequent requests to make use of the token from login for authentication
Select the Authorization tab
Select Bearer Token
Copy paste the token string gotten from login
Press send
A successful response should display the user's own information
Use the same steps for authorization using the token
For the request body update the fields you want to change
Select JSON
Click Send
The updated fields of user:
Use the same steps for authorization using the token
Click Send
A successful response should look like:
Trying to get the info from the same user would now return a 400 Bad Request Response
I did try to deploy it on but faced technical limitations
Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to read this