This is a collection of Plaster templates I use when working in PowerShell.
Recomended Additional Modules:
Install-Module OmniPSTemplates -Scope CurrentUser
git clone
cd .\OmniPSTemplates\tools
.\Build.ps1 Install
- Download the from
- Extract the contents to
C:\Users\<Your Name>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\OmniPSTemplates
If you have the PowerShellGet module installed:
Install-Module Plaster
$Template = Get-PlasterTemplate -IncludeInstalledModules | ? { $_.Title -eq "Omni's New Module" }
Invoke-Plaster -TemplatePath $Template.TemplatePath
$Template = Get-PlasterTemplate -IncludeInstalledModules | ? { $_.Title -eq "Omni's New Script" }
Invoke-Plaster -TemplatePath $Template.TemplatePath
- In VS Code open the command palette
Mac: cmd+p
Windows / Linux: ctrl+p
Type a ">" followed by "Plaster".
Select the command "PowerShell: Create New Project from Plaster Template."
Click the option to "Load additional templates from installed modules" at the top.
Select the appropriate template.
This is a modified version of the 'NewModule' example template from the official Plaster repository.
A heavily modified version of the 'NewModule' example template from the official Plaster repository. This template creates a single file ps1 script with a #PSScriptInfo
block ready for publishing.