DISCONTINUED: Use something else, like https://github.com/nicholastay/nodesu!
A node-wrapper around the osu! api
The format of the returned objects can be seen in the official osu!api documentation
an object containing the API values for the different osu! game modes:
Available modes:
Example use:
var osuapi = require('osu-api'); var taiko = osuapi.Modes.taiko;
### Class ```osuapi.Api(apiKey, [mode])``` ###
> Constructor function for the osu! api.
> If mode is not provided, it defaults to `Modes.osu`.
> Example use:
> ```js
var osuapi = require('osu-api');
var osu = new osuapi.Api('<api key here>');
var osu_mania = new osuapi.Api('<api key here>', osuapi.Modes.osumania);
Sets the mode used by api functions like
Calls the specified API endpoint with parameters and calls callback with the results.
endpoint is a string for the used API endpoint, e.g. 'get_user'
parameters is an object containing the parameters for the API call. The API key is inserted automatically.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is the parsed JSON output.
Note that you would normally call one of the (non-raw) methods below, this is mainly for internal usage.
Calls the 'get_beatmaps' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is the parsed JSON output.
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the beatmap with the specified beatmap id.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is the beatmap object or
if not found.
Gets the beatmaps with the specified beatmap set id.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is an array of beatmap objects. The array will be empty if the beatmap-set was not found,.
Gets the beatmaps by the user with the specified user id (not name!).
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is an array of beatmap objects. The array will be empty if that user has no beatmaps, or if the user does not exists.
Calls the 'get_user' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the user with the specified id or name (automatic detection).
Please note that the automatic detection uses
, sogetUser(12345, ...)
gets the user with user-Id12345
, whilegetUser('12345', ...)
gets the user with user-name12345
If eventDays is provided, the event-array will contain events between now and that many days ago, defaults to 1, max. 31.
Uses the mode set by
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is the user object or
if not found.
Calls the 'get_scores' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the top 50 scores for the beatmap with the specified id.
If user is specified, gets that users top score (as an array with one element). Use
osu.getUserScore(id, userId, callback)
for a more convenient way to get a user-score.
Uses the mode set by
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is an array of scores.
Gets the top score of the user with the specified user id (not name!) for the beatmap with the specified id.
Uses the mode set by
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is a score object or
if the user was not found, or doesn't have a score on this beatmap.
Calls the 'get_user_best' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the top 10 scores of the user with the specified id or name (automatic detection).
Please read the note about the automatic detection at
osu.getUser(id, [eventDays], callback)
Uses the mode set by
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is an array of scores.
Calls the 'get_user_recent' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the last 10 scores of the user with the specified id or name (automatic detection).
Please read the note about the automatic detection at
osu.getUser(id, [eventDays], callback)
Uses the mode set by
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is an array of scores.
Calls the 'get_match' API method with the specified parameters.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
Note that this method is mainly for internal usage.
Gets the match with the specified id.
Callback format:
callback(error, output)
output is a multiplayer match object or
if not found.