Reimplement image classification models for practice. Train them for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 dataset using PyTorch.
git clone
cd image-classification-pytorch/
python --api-key [YOUR API KEY OF COMET.ML]
- Logger for this repository.(You need to register to get your own api key.)
- CIFAR-10
- CIFAR-100
- Python: 3.6.9
- PyTorch: 1.7.1
- PyTorch-Lightning: 1.1.6
- Comet-ml: 3.3.1
Models | CIFAR-10 | CIFAR-100 | #Params |
AllCNNC | 93.640 | 72.040 | 1.4M |
VGG16 | - | - | - |
ResNet18 | 94.465 | 74.465 | 11.2M |
PreAct18 | 94.575 | 75.415 | 11.2M |
PreAct34 | 95.010 | 75.715 | 21.3M |
PreAct50 | 94.970 | 76.685 | 23.5M |
WRN22-8 | 95.080 | 77.775 | 17.2M |
PreAct-ResNeXt50 | 94.950 | 78.315 | 23.0M |
DenseNet | - | - | - |
SEPreAct18 | 94.685 | 76.135 | 11.3M |
SEPreAct34 | 95.000 | 76.095 | 21.4M |
SEPreAct50 | 95.075 | 77.615 | 26.0M |
SEWRN22-8 | 95.530 | 77.830 | 17.3M |
SEPreAct-ResNeXt50 | 95.160 | 78.520 | 25.5M |
MobV1 | 94.000 | 75.250 | 3.2M |
MobV2 | 94.085 | 75.425 | 2.2M |
MobV3 | 93.980 | 75.430 | 4.2M |
MNasNet | - | - | - |
EfficientNetB0 | - | - | - |
- Did experiments 2 times and report the averaged best accuracy.
- Apply "Random Crop + Horizontal Flip + Normalization" as Data Augmentation.
- bold and italic indicates 1st and 2nd place.
Params | Values |
Epochs | 200 |
Batch Size | 128 |
Learning Rate | 0.1 |
LR Milestones | [100, 150] |
LR Decay Rate | 0.1 |
Weight Decay | 1e-4 |
- For the fair comparison, all experiments are done under the same experimental settings.
- All-CNN-C(+BN)[Springenberg, J.(ICLRW'15)]
- VGG16(+BN)Simonyan, K.(ICLR'15)
- ResNet[He, K.(CVPR'16)]
- PreAct-ResNet[He, K.(ECCV'16)]
- WideResNet[Zagoruyko, S.(BMVC'16)]
- ResNeXt[Xie, S.(CVPR'17)]
- SENet[Hu, J.(CVPR'18)]
- MobileNetV1[Howard, A.(2017)]
- MobileNetV2[Sandler, M.(CVPR'18)]
- MobileNetV3[Howard, A.(ICCV'19)]
- Spatial dimensions of tensors right before GAP should be 4x4 rather than 2x2.
- No bias term used for Squeeze-and-Excitation Module.
- Use dropout right after activation.(in WRN, at least.)
- If apply dropout right after conv, the performance degrades by 1-2% in CIFAR-100