Capsule |
Cube |
Sphere |
Torus |
Mathematics Operations Combined Shape (Subtraction and Adding) |
Data Visualization and Real-Time Rendering with C++ code and Paraview visualization. Reconstruction of the primitive shapes created by using the Signed Distance Function and its mathematical operations for rendering. The summary of the topic is that SDF gives us a distance of point X from the boundary of a surface. If this value is less than 0, the point is inside of the considered shape. Legends in the images show the result of this function (Point distance is decreasing from red to green).
* ParaView
* C++ IDE
- Download SDF_to_ParaView.cpp file
- You will see mathematics operations for the calculation of every primitive shape's distance from its surface to the blank point cloud border.
- After the calculation of the chosen shape, you will get arrays full of float numbers.
- You can transfer this result as a table to Paraview and implement some filters to visualize your results.
- Don't forget to edit your Color Map to effective analyzes.
Please share your comments and ideas about the project with me. Thank you for your time.