This is an Omeka S theme featuring an off-canvas navigation menu.
For basic out-of-the-box use of the theme, follow the Omeka S User Manual instructions for installing themes.
For more advanced use, such as customizing the theme with Sass, you'll need to install the tools with NodeJS (0.12 or greater). Navigate to your theme directory and run npm install
For those dipping their toes into customizing sites with CSS, the CSS Editor module allows site administrators to write style overrides.
For advanced CSS and Sass users, Cozy provides variables for easily customizing typography, spacing, and colors in asset/sass/_base.scss
Run these commands within the theme's root directory.
- npm start: While this task runs, it watches for changes to sass files and recompiles the CSS.
- gulp css: This is the one-off task for compiling the current Sass/CSS.
- gulp css:watch: This task watches for changes in the Sass, then compiles the CSS.
- Logo: Upload an image asset to use as a logo in place of a text site title.
- Banner: Upload an image asset to use a banner that sits above the main content area of every view.
- Banner width: Select whether the banner image fits within the margins of the main content area or to have it bleed outside the margins to the container's edges.
- Banner height: The maximum banner image height in pixels.
- Banner height for mobile devices: The maximum banner image height in pixels at narrower viewport widths.
- Banner position: Where to anchor the banner image within its container: centered, stuck to the top, or stuck to the bottom.
- Main accent color: An accent color to be used on button and link highlights. The default value is #089494.
- Navigation background color: An color to be used in the off-canvas navigation background. The default value is #bfdcdc.
- Top navigation depth: If the main navigation is set to display child pages, this setting controls how many navigation levels to display. Setting this to '0' shows all levels.
- Truncate Body Property: Controls the size of the body property of resources in a browseable list. It can be set to show the full value, truncate after 4 lines and fade out, or truncate after 4 lines and clip with an ellipsis.
- Footer content: Control what appears in the footer. This field takes HTML markup.
Omeka S 4.0 introduced configurable resource pages. Cozy supports block configuration for items, item sets, and media show pages. Each of those views contains 3 configurable regions:
- Full-width main: This is intended to be a primary content area that spans the full width of a page.
- Main with sidebar: This is a version of the primary content area that expects to sit alongside a single right sidebar.
- Right sidebar: This is a sidebar that sits to the right of "main with sidebar".
Cozy is Copyright © 2016-present Corporation for Digital Scholarship, Vienna, Virginia, USA
The Corporation for Digital Scholarship distributes the Omeka source code under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3). The full text of this license is given in the license file.
The Omeka name is a registered trademark of the Corporation for Digital Scholarship.
Third-party copyright in this distribution is noted where applicable.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved.