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Homelab repo - ansible for provisioning, k3s cluster, gitops, vault, wireguard and other goodies.

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Mono repo to manage the k3s cluster on my homelab server. This repo now mostly holds gitops config for k3s. See nixos for an example of preparing host system for k3s.

Some of the features of K3s cluster:

  • ArgoCD gitops
  • Secrets in Vault with external-secrets integration
  • Ingress-nginx with cert-manager and LetsEncrypt
  • Auth either with OAuth proxy or hiding behind tailscale-k8s-operator
  • Selected apps connected only via wireguard gateway
  • Databases: postgresql, redis, mariadb
  • Paperless document archival
  • Plex media server and samba
  • My own Interactive Brokers trading bot
  • Nocodb deployment for above trading app


Started as single-node cluster leaving on a server in my house. Now I have a hybrid deployment with few nodes across the different providers (mostly cheap vps, like racknerd), connected via tailscale mesh network. Details on provisioning will be added later.

Prior to Deployment

Install following tools on local machine

  • age
  • ansible
  • go-task
  • terraform
  • direnv
  • pre-commit

Get GCP oauth2 keys and service account

Deployment Guide

  • Add your variables to .config.env.

❗ You can add an extra level of security and refer to your profile local variables, or pull secrets from local password-store. Git hooks should prevent you from committing your secrets.

  • Install pre-commit hooks
task pre-commit:init
  • Add a wireguard config file from your provider into .bootstrap-secrets folder and name it wireguard.conf.

  • Cluster bootstrap.

Run task cluster:install to bootstrap the cluster. If it fails due to "vault-0 not having assigned host", wait for pod to be up and execute same task again. You can also follow the individual steps below.

Install zfs-localpv:

task cluster:zfspv

(Optional) Check on a host system that dataset under main zfs pool is created:

zfs list
NAME                       USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
pool                      1.79T  3.48T     1.79T  /pool
pool/k3s                   568K  3.48T       96K  /pool/k3s

Install and initialize vault using GCP KMS. TODO: automate using Terraform

task cluster:vault:install
task cluster:vault:init

Now the vault should be unsealed and initialized, which you can check with:

k exec -it -n vault vault-0 -- vault status

Key                      Value
---                      -----
Recovery Seal Type       shamir
Initialized              true
Sealed                   false
Total Recovery Shares    5
Threshold                3
Version                  1.9.0
Storage Type             file
Cluster Name             vault-cluster-21f860b5
Cluster ID               275d5a0b-5493-8f63-ad90-68bd72c3e02c
HA Enabled               false

Inject the secrets into vault:

./ --vault

You can verify that secrets are injected:

k exec -n vault vault-0 -- vault kv get kv/secret/oauth2

======= Metadata =======
Key                Value
---                -----
created_time       2021-12-22T20:17:12.538085046Z
custom_metadata    <nil>
deletion_time      n/a
destroyed          false
version            7

=============== Data ===============
Key                            Value
---                            -----
VAULT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID          *****
name                           my-secret

❗ we use oauth2-proxy with email authentication. Comma-separated email whitelist provided via VAULT_OAUTH2_EMAIL_WHITELIST can pushed into Vault with ./ --vault.

Install external-secrets CRD

task cluster:secrets:install

Install argocd

task cluster:argo:install

ArgoCD will complete the cluster provisioning. After the load balancer is provisioned you should be able to access argocd UI at argo.${your_domain}. Alternatively you can connect with CLI with port forwarding, e.g.:

k port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:443
argocd login localhost:8080 --insecure --username admin --password $HOMELAB_ARGOCD_PASSWORD

After provisioning ArgoCD will also assume control over its own installation and other applications in init folder, which we installed manually in previous steps.


Steps above set up the reverse proxy with authentication and certificates. However they expose the server IP. Cloudflare will fix this.

❗ enable "development" mode in Cloudflare as you add new ingresses to get Let's Encrypt certificate

./ --verify
cd provision/terraform/cloudflare
terraform plan
terraform apply

Deployment waves

  • 1: Observability
  • 2: Ingress-nginx
  • 3: Networking (cert-manager, oauth-proxy, vpn)
  • 4: Databases
  • 5: Applications


This all runs on single machine in acclaimed Node 304 case, which can house 6 HDDs, although I use only 4 at the moment.

I am considering upgrading to multi-node deployment for "fun" part of it, but the current form-factor meets all needs and is quiet, functional and aesthetic enough to sit in plain sight in the Living room.

In Feb 2023 I upgraded old Intel Celeron to i5-11400 CPU. The average load is about 15% now.

PCPartPicker Part List

Type Item Price
CPU Intel Core i5-11400F 2.6 GHz 6-Core Processor $129.99 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Noctua NH-L9i 33.84 CFM CPU Cooler $44.95 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED 66.3 CFM Rifle Bearing CPU Cooler Purchased For $24.95
Motherboard MSI MPG B560I GAMING EDGE WIFI Mini ITX LGA1200 Motherboard $149.99 @ Amazon
Memory G.Skill Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL16 Memory Purchased For $104.99
Storage Kingston A1000 240 GB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive -
Storage Western Digital Red 2 TB 3.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive Purchased For $86.00
Storage Western Digital Red 2 TB 3.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive Purchased For $86.00
Storage Western Digital Red 6 TB 3.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive $154.88 @ Amazon
Storage Western Digital Red 6 TB 3.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive $154.88 @ Amazon
Case Fractal Design Node 304 Mini ITX Tower Case Purchased For $98.00
Power Supply SeaSonic FOCUS Plus 550 Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply Purchased For $80.00
Case Fan Noctua A14 PWM 82.5 CFM 140 mm Fan $23.95 @ Amazon


Homelab repo - ansible for provisioning, k3s cluster, gitops, vault, wireguard and other goodies.







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