Users can transfer the balance now or later in bulk. After every successful transfer, a transaction history will be created for both accounts. A cash transaction(withdrawal or deposit) option is also available. In case of transfer failure, no transaction history will be made and the source account's balance will be adjusted.
- Account Creation
- Instant Balance Transfer
- Scheduled Balance Transfer
- Multiple transfers in a single request
- Cash Transaction (deposit or withdrawal)
- Multiple cash transaction in a single request
- Transaction History of every transaction takes place in database
- Unit Test included
git clone
cd Schedule-Balance-Transfer-API
virtualenv venv
pip install requirements.txt
python makemigration
python migrate
python runserver
run the below commands in two different terminals
celery -A balance_transfer worker -l info
celery -A balance_transfer beat -l info
- link : http://localhost:8000/swagger
- Enter data from data_entry.json