git clone
sbt IO/run
sbt TAPIR/run
sbt RIO/run
Open https://localhost:8443/doc/index.html in the browser.
Open https://localhost:8443/mp4safari - to test iPhone/Safari compatible ranged http video streams with TAPIR/run)
- Partial func based route:
- Tapir endpoints routes: ( check "with-swagger" for OpenAPI's tapir-swagger )
Quartz-HTTP2 now supports Tapir server interpreter from
"io.github.ollls" %% "tapir-quartz-h2" % "0.7"
TLS encryption implemented as scala CATS effects with ALPN h2 tag. Direct native translation of fs2 stream chunks into http2 packets, where http Request's data and http Response's data mapped directy to fs2 streams. Tested and optimized to produce highest possible TPS.(120K TPS on MacBook with h2load tool, see details below). Single java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool for JAVA NIO Socket Groups and for evalOn() with CATS Effects. Http/2 weights and dependency are not implemented, for performance reasons.
Starting from 0.5.1 server supports http/1.1 connections as a fallback when TLS ALPN H2 tag not supported.For non TLS connections it will be a protocol of choice when no H2 upgrade or H2 Prior Knolwedge used.
"io.github.ollls" %% "quartz-h2" % "0.7"
to start server example with IO
sbt IO/run
to start server example based on ReaderT[IO, Request, Respose] with ability to use Reader environment.
sbt RIO/run
Server code for IO and RIO routes:
Use .../src/main/resources/logback-test.xml to tailor log ouput to your specific requirements.
Also you may use options to control logging level.
sbt "run --debug"
sbt "run --error"
sbt "run --off"
package example
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp, ExitCode}
import io.quartz.QuartzH2Server
import io.quartz.http2.model.Method._
import io.quartz.http2._
import io.quartz.http2.routes.HttpRouteIO
import io.quartz.http2.model.{Headers, Method, ContentType, Request, Response}
object MyApp extends IOApp {
val R: HttpRouteIO = {
case req @ GET -> Root / "headers" => IO(Response.Ok().asText(req.headers.printHeaders))
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
for {
ctx <- QuartzH2Server.buildSSLContext("TLS", "keystore.jks", "password")
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server("localhost", 8443, 16000, ctx).startIO(R, sync = false)
} yield (exitCode)
val filter: WebFilter = (request: Request) =>
request.hdr("test_tid" -> "ABC123Z9292827"),
Response.Error(StatusCode.Forbidden).asText("Denied: " + request.uri.getPath())
//ssl context null will switch to h2c plain text
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server("localhost", 8443, 16000, null).startIO(R, filter, sync = false)
case req @ POST -> Root / "mpart" =>
MultiPart.writeAll(req, HOME_DIR) *> IO(Response.Ok())
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server("localhost", 8443, 60000, ctx).startIO( R, sync = true)
case GET -> Root / StringVar(file) =>
val FOLDER_PATH = "/Users/user000/web_root/"
val FILE = s"$file"
val BLOCK_SIZE = 16000
for {
jpath <- IO(new + FILE))
jstream <- IO.blocking(new
} yield (Response
.asStream(, BLOCK_SIZE, true))
case req @ GET -> Root / "json" =>
for {
//_ <- IO.println(req.headers.printHeaders("\n"))
json <- IO(
name = "John",
devices = Seq(Device(id = 2, model = "iPhone X"))
} yield (Response
.hdr("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*")
//your web site files in the folder "web" under web_root.
//browser path: https://localhost:8443/web/index.html
case req @ GET -> "web" /: _ =>
val FOLDER_PATH = "/Users/user000/web_root/"
val BLOCK_SIZE = 16000
for {
reqPath <- IO(req.uri.getPath())
jpath <- IO(new + reqPath))
jstream <- IO.blocking(new
fname <- IO(jpath.getName())
} yield (Response
.asStream(, BLOCK_SIZE, true))
POST https://localhost:8443/upload/op.jpeg
case req@POST -> Root / "upload" / StringVar(_) =>
for {
reqPath <- IO( Path( "/Users/user000/" + req.uri.getPath() ))
u <- Files[IO].writeAll( reqPath ) ).compile.drain
} yield( Response.Ok().asText("OK")) http2 spec compatibility tests:
h2load -D10 -c62 -m30 -t2 https://localhost:8443/test
finished in 10.01s, 111220.90 req/s, 1.06MB/s
requests: 1112209 total, 1114069 started, 1112209 done, 1112209 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 timeout
status codes: 1112209 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 10.61MB (11125438) total, 1.06MB (1112209) headers (space savings 90.00%), 0B (0) data
min max mean sd +/- sd
time for request: 200us 97.10ms 12.79ms 5.35ms 73.18%
time for connect: 43.33ms 170.60ms 105.62ms 51.84ms 38.71%
time to 1st byte: 55.31ms 181.53ms 120.53ms 55.00ms 51.61%
req/s : 1762.79 1837.34 1793.33 18.37 69.35%
Start server with "sbt IO/run" ./h2spec http2 -h localhost -p 8443 -t -k You should get:
Finished in 1.4891 seconds
94 tests, 93 passed, 1 skipped, 0 failed
sbt test