Scikit-decide is an AI framework for Reinforcement Learning, Automated Planning and Scheduling.
The use of a virtual environment for scikit-decide is recommended, e.g. by using conda:
conda create --name skdecide python=3.7
conda activate skdecide
Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and install with Pip:
pip install .[all]
This will install the core library and additionally all dependencies required by domains/solvers in the hub (scikit-decide catalog).
Alternatively, if you wish to install only the ones required by domains (resp. solvers) from the hub, replace [all]
in the last command by [domains]
(resp. [solvers]
Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and install with Pip:
pip install .
This will only install the core library, which is enough if you intend to create your own domain and solver.
This extension provides several algorithms implemented in C++ that are directly available in the Python interface. Make sure you have a recent C++ compiler with c++-17 support. Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory:
Get the git submodules that are required to build the C++ extension:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Build and install scikit-decide containing the C++ extension with Pip:
pip install --install-option="--cpp-extension" --install-option="--cxx-compiler=<PATH_TO_YOUR_CPP_COMPILER>" --install-option="--cmake-options="<OPTIONAL_CMAKE_OPTIONS>" .\[all\] -v
CMake options are useful in case of unusual system configurations, so we recommend to try to build the C++ extension without providing cmake options. Should you need to pass cmake options to the installer, use the same format as the standard cmake command.
if you just want to build a dstributable wheel of scikit-decide containing the compiled C++ extension, make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and build it with setuptools:
python bdist_wheel --cpp-extension --cxx-compiler=<PATH_TO_YOUR_CPP_COMPILER> --cmake-options=<OPTIONAL_CMAKE_OPTIONS>
The latest documentation is available online.
You can also run the documentation locally (e.g. when you are contributing to it or to access an older version).
The documentation is using VuePress to generate an interactive static website.
First, get Yarn (package manager) by following these installation steps.
Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and install documentation dependencies:
yarn install
Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and start the local documentation server:
yarn docs:dev
Open your web browser to access the documentation (by default on http://localhost:8080).
The examples can be found in the /examples
folder, showing how to import or define a domain, and how to run or solve it. Most of the examples rely on scikit-decide Hub, an extensible catalog of domains/solvers.
Some examples are automatically embedded as Python notebooks in the Examples
section of the documentation.
The best example to try out scikit-decide capabilities might be examples/
. This interactive console experience makes it easy to pick a domain among a pre-defined catalog selection:
- Simple Grid World
- Maze
- Mastermind
- Cart Pole (OpenAI Gym)
- Mountain Car continuous (OpenAI Gym)
- ATARI Pacman (OpenAI Gym)
...and then solve it with any compatible solver (detected automatically) among following selection:
- Random walk
- Simple greedy
- Lazy A* (classical planning)
- PPO: Proximal Policy Optimization (deep reinforcement learning)
- POMCP: Partially Observable Monte-Carlo Planning (online planning for POMDP)
- CGP: Cartesian Genetic Programming (evolution strategy)
- IW: Iterated Width search (width-based planning)
Note: some requirements declared in above solvers still need fine-tuning, so in some cases an auto-detected compatible solver may still be unable to solve a domain (for now).
These combinations are particularly efficient if you want to try them out:
- Simple Grid World -> Lazy A*
- Maze -> Lazy A*
- Mastermind -> POMCP: Partially Observable Monte-Carlo Planning
- Cart Pole -> PPO: Proximal Policy Optimization
- Mountain Car continuous -> CGP: Cartesian Genetic Programming
- ATARI Pacman -> Random walk
Warning: some domains/solvers might require extra manual setup steps to work at 100%. In the future, each scikit-decide hub entry might have a dedicated help page to list them, but in the meantime please refer to this:
- [domain] OpenAI Gym ones -> gym for loading Gym environments not included by default
- [solver] PPO: Proximal Policy Optimization -> see Stable Baselines installation
- [solver] IW: Iterated Width search (same for AOstar, Astar, BFWS) -> special C++ compilation (see Installation 2.c. above)
Pytest is required to run unit tests (pip install pytest
Make sure you are in the "scikit-decide" root directory and run unit tests (the "-v" verbose mode is optional but gives additional details):
pytest tests -v