####Table of Contents
- Overview - What is the heka module?
- Module Description - What does this module do?
- Setup - The basics of getting started with hekad
- Usage - The class and available configurations
- Contributing to the hekad module
This module installs and configures heka and starts heka daemon.
##Module Description
Heka is an open source stream processing software system developed by Mozilla. It can be using for loading and parsing log files, taking statsd type metrics data for aggregation and forwarding to upstream time series data stores such as graphite or InfluxDB, etc.
This puppet module is used to install, configure and create heka daemon so as to streamline the process of using heka with Puppet.
What heka affects:
- dowloads/installs/configures files for Heka
###Beginning with Heka
Install Heka with default parameters. In this case heka will be installed at /opt/hekad.
####Class: heka
This is the primary class. And the only one which should be used.
Parameters within heka
Version of heka to be installed. Default is '0.8.0'
Configuration file config.toml
location. By default, it is under /opt/hekad/shared
location. You don't need to call it directly. To turn on and off the service, you should do service hekad start
or service hekad stop
The rest of params are associated with heka - please check Configuring hekad, Inputs and Decoders for more information.
This module is tested on CentOS 6.5 and should also run without problems on
- RHEL/CentOS/Scientific 6+
- Debian 6+
- Ubunutu 10.04 and newer
This module is open projects. So if you want to make this module even better, you can contribute to this module on Github.