Simple library for playing tones in React Native (iOS only). Bridge of
yarn add react-native-tone
npm install react-native-tone --save
react-native link react-native-tone
Generates simple sine wave, specify a frequency and amplitude. Play sound indefinitely or for a specified time interval.
import RNTone from 'react-native-tone';
// In constructor
RNTone.initWithChannels(numChannels, volume) // initalize
// volume ranges from 0.01-0.25 // play tone, indefinitely
RNTone.playForDuration(seconds) // play specified time interval (in seconds)
RNTone.stop() // stop tone
// Example
RNTone.initWithChannels(2, 0.25) // initalize two channels at full volume
RNTone.setChannelFrequencies([440, 220]) // A4 and A3
RNTone.playForDuration(0.5) // play for half a second
- Remove clicking sound at beginning and end of tone
P.S. I'm still still learning Obj-C and bridging, so if anyone would like to help with this module they are very welcome!