aims at connecting two worlds that have been seperated for too long:
uses PyJNIus to access numpy
arrays and expose them to ImgLib2
This means shared memory between numpy
and ImgLib2
, i.e. any ImgLib2
algorithm can run on numpy
arrays without creating copies of the data!
For example, Python users can now make use of the BigDataViewer to visualize dense volumetric data.
If you are interested in using imglib2-imglyb
, have a look at the imglyb-examples repository and extend the examples as needed!
If you are running Linux or, with limitations, OSX, you can get imglib2-imlgyb
from conda:
conda install -c hanslovsky imglib2-imglyb
Re-activate the environment after installation to correctly set the environment variables. If this does not work for you, please follow the build instructions below.
- Python 2 or 3
- Java 8
- Apache Maven
- Apache Ant
- imglib2-unsafe
- Currently:
in local maven repository (see instructions below) - pyjnius.jar (see instructions below)
- Cython
Clone (or download) the PyJNIus repository:
# get PyJNIus
git clone
cd pyjnius
In order to build pyjnius.jar
and install the pyjnius python package, run on Linux or OSX:
make # creates build/pyjnius.jar
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk # optional
make tests # optional
python install
On Windows:
ant all
python build_ext --inplace -f
python install
All other instructions should work independent of the operating system.
# get imglib2-unsafe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
git clone
cd imglib2-unsafe
mvn clean install
cd /path/to/imglib2-imglyb
mvn clean package
python install
- PyJNIus
- Java 8
- numpy
If you do not use conda you need to set your environment before using imglib2-imglyb
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/JAVA_HOME # not necessary if using conda
export PYJNIUS_JAR=/path/to/pyjnius/build/pyjnius.jar # not necessary if using conda
export IMGLYB_JAR=/path/to/imglib2-imglyb/target/imglib2-imglyb-<VERSION>.jar # not necessary if using conda
Note that, in your python files, the line
import imglyb
needs to come before any of
from imglyb import util
import jnius
from jnius import *
It is best to follow and extend the imglyb-examples according to your needs.
Currently, AWT, PyJNIus and cocoa do not get along very well
In general, the cocoa event loop needs to be started before the jvm or awt is loaded (see example below).
This requires PyObjC
which is not available through conda currently. (Thanks to @tpietzsch for figuring out!)
AWT frames (JFrame
) are not visible or BigDataViewer
crashes on user input.
functionality is thus not available or very limited on OSX.
This is the working example for debugging and trying to figure out a way to fix the OSX issues:
from __future__ import print_function
def main():
import imglyb
from imglyb import util
from jnius import autoclass, cast
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
import time
import vigra
import argparse
default_url = ''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( '--url', '-u', default=default_url )
args = parser.parse_args()
RealARGBConverter = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.converter.RealARGBConverter')
Converters = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.converter.Converters' )
ARGBType = autoclass ( 'net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType' )
RealType = autoclass ( 'net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType' )
DistanceTransform = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.algorithm.morphology.distance.DistanceTransform' )
DISTANCE_TYPE = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.algorithm.morphology.distance.DistanceTransform$DISTANCE_TYPE' )
Views = autoclass( 'net.imglib2.view.Views' )
Executors = autoclass( 'java.util.concurrent.Executors' )
t = ARGBType()
img = io.imread( args.url )
argb = (
np.left_shift(img[...,0], np.zeros(img.shape[:-1],dtype=np.uint32) + 16) + \
np.left_shift(img[...,1], np.zeros(img.shape[:-1],dtype=np.uint32) + 8) + \
np.left_shift(img[...,2], np.zeros(img.shape[:-1],dtype=np.uint32) + 0) ) \
.astype( np.int32 )
print( "Creating color class..." )
Color = autoclass( 'java.awt.Color' )
print( Color.BLACK.toString() )
JFrame = autoclass( 'javax.swing.JFrame' )
print( "Before constructor" )
jFrame = JFrame( "Test frame" )
print( "After constructor" )
jFrame.setPreferredSize( autoclass( 'java.awt.Dimension' )( 400, 300 ) )
jFrame.setVisible( True )
print( "JFrame should be showing now" )
print( "Showing first bdv" )
bdv = util.to_imglib_argb( argb ), "argb", util.options2D().frameTitle( "b-fly" ) )
print( "Showing second bdv" )
if __name__ == "__main__":
import objc
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
from PyObjCTools import AppHelper
import sys
class AppDelegate( NSObject ):
def init( self ):
self = objc.super( AppDelegate, self ).init()
if self is None:
return None
return self
def runjava_( self, arg ):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_( self, aNotification ):
self.performSelectorInBackground_withObject_( "runjava:", 0 )
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init()
app.setDelegate_( delegate )