Interpolator is a very simple string-interpolation library for PHP. It uses a syntax which combines features of Ruby, Jinja/Twig, and bash — including Jinja/Twig-style 'filters'.
$interpolator = new Interpolator();
// Basic usage: Both of these print 'Hello, dana!'
echo $interpolator->render('Hello, %{0}!', ['dana']), "\n";
echo $interpolator->render('Hello, %{name}!', ['name' => 'dana']), "\n";
// Filter usage: This prints 'Hello, DANA!' (u = upper-case)
echo $interpolator->render('Hello, %{0|u}!', ['dana']), "\n";
// Filter usage: This prints 'Hello, "DANA"!' (u = upper-case, j = JSON-encode)
echo $interpolator->render('Hello, %{0|uj}!', ['dana']), "\n";
// Filter usage: This prints 'Hello, 38095!' (c = CRC32, d = extract digits)
echo $interpolator->render('Hello, %{0|cd}!', ['dana']), "\n";
Interpolator's render()
method is its most useful — it performs the actual
interpolation and then returns the result. render()
takes two arguments: the
string to be interpolated, and an array of 'fixtures' (values which might be
injected into the string). When a place-holder (%{foo}
) is encountered, that
place-holder name (foo
) will be looked up in the keys of the fixtures array,
and the associated value will be inserted into the string where the place-holder
used to be.
Each place-holder may optionally be suffixed by a pipe (|
) and one or more
single-character filter specifiers. Most of the available filters are used for
escaping and hashing — for example, the e
filter specifier passes the fixture
value through escapeshellarg()
before rendering it, and the m
hashes the value with MD5. There are also filters for case conversion (l
), white-space manipulation (t
, w
, W
), &c. Filters may be chained
together — for example, lhj
will convert the value to lower-case, then pass it
through htmlspecialchars()
, then pass it through json_encode()
(in that
exact order).
This is a list of the default filter specifiers and their behaviours:
a Extract letters [A-Za-z] from the string
b Encode the string using base64
B Encode the string using 'URL-safe' base64
c Hash the string with CRC32
C Hash the string with CRC32b
d Extract digits [0–9] from the string
e Escape the string for use as a shell argument (escapeshellarg())
f Escape the string for use in a URL (rawurlencode()), but preserve slashes
h Escape the string for use in HTML (htmlspecialchars())
H Escape the string for use in HTML (htmlentities())
j Escape the string for use in JSON (json_encode())
l Convert the string to lower-case (mb_strtolower())
L Convert the string to lower-case (strtolower())
m Hash the string with MD5
p Escape the string for use in a PCRE regular-expression pattern (preg_quote())
r Escape the string for use in a URL (rawurlencode())
R Escape the string for use in a URL (urlencode())
s Hash the string with SHA1
S Hash the string with SHA256
t Trim the string of leading/trailing white space (trim())
u Convert the string to upper-case (mb_strtoupper())
U Convert the string to upper-case (strtoupper())
w Collapse consecutive white space in the string into a single space
W Remove all white space from the string
You don't have to use the defaults though — you can override some or all of them
using the setFilter()
and setFilters()
$interpolator = new Interpolator();
// Replace all default filters by our own
$interpolator->setFilters(['a' => 'ucfirst']);
// This prints 'Foo'
echo $interpolator->render('%{0|a}', ['foo']), "\n";
Interpolator also supports auto filters — filters which are applied
automatically after all other filter processing has completed. This is
particularly useful for creating HTML templates, for example. Auto filters can
be surpressed using the special -
filter specifier.
$interpolator = new Interpolator();
// Apply htmlspecialchars() as an auto filter
// This prints 'FOO&BAR'
echo $interpolator->render('%{0|u}', ['foo&bar']), "\n";
// This prints 'FOO&BAR' (auto filters suppressed)
echo $interpolator->render('%{0|u-}', ['foo&bar']), "\n";
By default, when Interpolator encounters a missing fixture or a fixture that can't be converted to a string, it throws an exception. You can disable this 'strict' behaviour by passing an option to the constructor:
// Silently ignore missing/mistyped fixtures
$interpolator = new Interpolator(['strict' => false]);
Note that the presence of an illegal filter specifier will continue to raise an exception even when strict mode is disabled.
- Better documentation
- More tests