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MMS-OK: FPGA Interface Library

A Python library for interfacing with FPGA devices using the Opal Kelly FrontPanel API. This library provides a high-level interface for wire, trigger, and pipe operations with FPGA devices.


  • Wire-based I/O operations (setting/getting wire values)
  • Trigger-based operations (activating triggers, checking trigger states)
  • Pipe data transfer operations (reading/writing data through pipes)
  • Block pipe operations for efficient large data transfers
  • Comprehensive error handling and validation
  • Utilities for data conversion and manipulation
  • Support for XEM7310 and XEM7360 FPGA boards



  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • NumPy
  • loog
  • Opal Kelly FrontPanel API
  • Install the Opal Kelly FrontPanel API according to the official documentation.

Install Guide

pip install mms_ok

Quick Start

Using the XEM Classes

from mms_ok import XEM7310, XEM7360

# For XEM7310 boards
with XEM7310("path/to/bitstream.bit") as fpga:
    # Reset the FPGA
    fpga.reset(reset_address=0x00, reset_time=1.0, active_low=True)
    # Control LEDs (8 LEDs on XEM7310)
    fpga.SetLED(led_value=0xFF)  # Turn on all LEDs
    # Set wire values
    fpga.SetWireInValue(0x00, 0x12345678)
    # Read wire values
    value = fpga.GetWireOutValue(0x20, auto_update=True)
    print(f"Wire value: 0x{value:08X}")
    # Activate a trigger
    fpga.ActivateTriggerIn(0x40, 0)
    # Check if a trigger is set
    if fpga.IsTriggered(0x60, 0x01, auto_update=True):
        print("Trigger is set!")
    # Wait for a trigger with timeout
        fpga.CheckTriggered(0x60, 0x01, timeout=2.0)
        print("Trigger condition met!")
    except TimeoutError:
        print("Trigger timeout!")
    # Read data from a pipe
    data = fpga.ReadFromPipeOut(0xA0, 1024, reorder_str=True)
    print(f"Received data: {data.hex_data}")
    print(f"Error code: {data.error_code}")
    # Convert data to numpy array
    import numpy as np
    array_data = data.to_ndarray(dtype=np.uint16)
    print(f"As array: {array_data}")

# For XEM7360 boards
fpga = XEM7360("path/to/bitstream.bit"):

# XEM7360 has 4 LEDs
fpga.SetLED(led_value=0x0F)  # Turn on all 4 LEDs

# The rest of the API is the same as XEM7310


Automatic Updates

from mms_ok import XEM7310

with XEM7310("path/to/bitstream.bit") as fpga:
    # Enable automatic updates
    # Now you don't need to call update methods explicitly
    fpga.SetWireInValue(0x00, 0x12345678)  # Auto-updates
    value = fpga.GetWireOutValue(0x20)     # Auto-updates before reading
    is_triggered = fpga.IsTriggered(0x60, 0x01)  # Auto-updates before checking
    # Disable automatic updates when needed
    # Now you need to call update methods explicitly
    fpga.SetWireInValue(0x01, 0xABCDEF01)
    fpga.SetWireInValue(0x02, 0x12345678)
    fpga.UpdateWireIns()  # Updates all wire-in values at once
    fpga.UpdateWireOuts()  # Explicitly update before reading
    value = fpga.GetWireOutValue(0x21)
    # You can also use auto_update parameter for one-time automatic updates
    # without changing the global setting
    fpga.SetWireInValue(0x03, 0x55AA55AA, auto_update=True)  # One-time auto-update
    value = fpga.GetWireOutValue(0x22, auto_update=True)     # One-time auto-update

Automatic updates are useful for simple operations, but disabling them can be more efficient when:

  • Setting multiple wire values before updating them all at once
  • Performing time-critical operations where explicit control is needed
  • Optimizing performance for high-throughput applications

Reading and Writing Data

from mms_ok import XEM7310
import numpy as np

with XEM7310("path/to/bitstream.bit") as fpga:
    # Write data to a pipe
    # You can write string data (hex format)
    fpga.WriteToPipeIn(0x80, "AABBCCDDEEFF0011", reorder_str=True)
    # Or numpy arrays
    data_array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.uint32)
    fpga.WriteToPipeIn(0x80, data_array)
    # Or raw bytearrays
    raw_data = bytearray([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD] * 4)
    fpga.WriteToPipeIn(0x80, raw_data)
    # Read data from a pipe
    # Specify buffer size in bytes
    result = fpga.ReadFromPipeOut(0xA0, 16)
    print(f"Hex data: {result.hex_data}")
    print(f"Raw data: {result.raw_data}")
    # For larger transfers, use block pipes
    large_data = np.zeros(1024, dtype=np.uint32)
    fpga.WriteToBlockPipeIn(0x80, large_data)
    # Read large data blocks
    large_result = fpga.ReadFromBlockPipeOut(0xA0, 4096)  # 4096 bytes

API Documentation

XEM Base Class

Abstract base class for Opal Kelly FPGA devices. Provides common functionality for all FPGA models.


  • reset(reset_address, reset_time, active_low): Reset the FPGA device
  • SetLED(led_value, led_address): Set LED values on the FPGA board
  • SetAutoWireIn(auto_update): Enable automatic update of wire-in values
  • SetAutoWireOut(auto_update): Enable automatic update of wire-out values
  • SetAutoTriggerOut(auto_update): Enable automatic update of trigger-out values
  • SetWireInValue(ep_addr, value, mask, auto_update): Set a value to be written to a wire-in endpoint
  • UpdateWireIns(): Update all wire-in endpoints
  • UpdateWireOuts(): Update all wire-out endpoints
  • GetWireOutValue(ep_addr, auto_update): Get the value of a wire-out endpoint
  • WriteToPipeIn(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Write data to a pipe-in endpoint
  • ReadFromPipeOut(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Read data from a pipe-out endpoint
  • WriteToBlockPipeIn(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Write data to a block pipe-in endpoint
  • ReadFromBlockPipeOut(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Read data from a block pipe-out endpoint
  • ActivateTriggerIn(ep_addr, bit): Activate a trigger-in endpoint
  • UpdateTriggerOuts(): Update all trigger-out endpoints
  • IsTriggered(ep_addr, mask, auto_update): Check if specific trigger bits are set
  • CheckTriggered(ep_addr, mask, timeout): Check if a trigger condition is met within a specified timeout

XEM7310 Class

Specific implementation for the XEM7310A75/A200 FPGA boards. Inherits from XEM base class.


All methods from XEM base class, plus:

  • SetLED(led_value, led_address): Control the 8 LEDs on the XEM7310 board

XEM7360 Class

Specific implementation for the XEM7360K160T FPGA board. Inherits from XEM base class.


All methods from XEM base class, plus:

  • SetLED(led_value, led_address): Control the 4 LEDs on the XEM7360 board


Interface for wire-based I/O operations on FPGA devices.


  • set_wire_in(ep_addr, value, mask): Set a value to be written to a wire-in endpoint
  • update_wire_ins(): Update all wire-in endpoints
  • update_wire_outs(): Update all wire-out endpoints
  • get_wire_out(ep_addr): Get the value of a wire-out endpoint


Interface for trigger-based operations on FPGA devices.


  • activate_trigger_in(ep_addr, bit): Activate a trigger-in endpoint
  • update_trigger_outs(): Update all trigger-out endpoints
  • is_triggered(ep_addr, mask): Check if specific trigger bits are set


Interface for pipe data transfer operations on FPGA devices.


  • write_to_pipe_in(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Write data to a pipe-in endpoint
  • read_from_pipe_out(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Read data from a pipe-out endpoint
  • reorder_hex_str(hex_str): Reorders a hexadecimal string by swapping positions


Interface for block pipe data transfer operations on FPGA devices.


  • write_to_block_pipe_in(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Write data to a block pipe-in endpoint
  • read_from_block_pipe_out(ep_addr, data, reorder_str): Read data from a block pipe-out endpoint


Represents data received from a pipe out interface.


  • error_code: The error code associated with the data
  • raw_data: The raw binary data received
  • hex_data: Hexadecimal string representation of the data
  • transfer_byte: The number of bytes transferred


  • to_ndarray(dtype): Convert the data to a numpy array with the specified dtype

Endpoint Address Ranges

  • Wire-in endpoints: 0x00 - 0x1F
  • Wire-out endpoints: 0x20 - 0x3F
  • Trigger-in endpoints: 0x40 - 0x5F
  • Trigger-out endpoints: 0x60 - 0x7F
  • Pipe-in endpoints: 0x80 - 0x9F
  • Pipe-out endpoints: 0xA0 - 0xBF


For questions, bug reports, or feature requests, please contact:


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