An EmberJS based YUIDoc theme
$ npm install yuidoc-ember-theme
- This theme is to be used with ember-cli-yuidoc which uses git-repo-version to generate the project version.
If your project uses a "yuidoc.json" file for configuration, add:
"themedir" : "node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme",
"helpers" : ["node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme/helpers/helpers.js"]
"name": "Example",
"url": "<GITHUB REPO URL>",
"version": "0.1.0",
"indexModule": "Welcome",
"logo": "path/to/logo.png",
"primaryColor": "orange",
"externalDocs": [{
"name": "ember-validators",
"path": "node_modules/ember-validators",
"url": "",
"version": "master"
"options": {
"paths": "_location to parse_",
"outdir": "build/docs",
"exclude": "lib,docs,build",
"themedir": "node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme",
"helpers": ["node_modules/yuidoc-ember-theme/helpers/helpers.js"]
If indexModule
is speficied in your yuidoc.json, the page will be forwarded to that module when a user loads the index page.
"indexModule": "Welcome"
If you have external documentation taken from dependencies, you may list them under the externalDocs
option in your yuidoc.json. Doing so will setup the correct file names and paths.
"externalDocs": [{
"name": "ember-validators",
"path": "node_modules/ember-validators",
"url": "",
"version": "master"
The logo
and primaryColor
options can be specified in yuidoc.json to set the logo displayed in the upper
left hand corner and the accent color used throughout the theme.
"logo": "path/to/logo.png",
"primaryColor": "orange"