This is a very straight forward CPP logger intended to reuse for basic projects to log messages on Console or determined file with determined message level including file name and line number.
Add Logger as submodule
git add submodule <path>
Include files to CMake source files list.
set (LOGGER_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/simple_cpp_logger)
set(LOGGER_SRC ${LOGGER_DIR}/Logger.hpp ${LOGGER_DIR}/Logger.cpp)
add_executable(application_binary app.cpp ${LOGGER_SRC})
You are good to go.
This is a singleton design to keep File resources available through all objects and make sure single object can be accessiable by different objects at the same time using shared_ptr.
For example, if you read logger configurations from a JSon file below could be a code snipped you can use.
#include "Logger.hpp"
auto logger = Logger::GetInstance();
auto logLevelStr = "ERROR"; // or WARN, DEBUG, INFO
auto logLevel = logger->GetLogLevel(logLevelStr);
auto logFile = "/home/user/logs/applog.txt";
auto logOutputStr = "FILE"; // or CONSOLE
auto logOutput = logger->GetLogOutput(logOutputStr);
// One time log preferences
logger->SetLogPreferences(logFile, logLevel, logOutput);
LogLevel, LogFile, LogOutput are configured with SetLogPreferences method.
When you need to call Log method below sample can be used:
auto logger = Logger:GetInstance();
logger->Log(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Wrong Input Type Valid Values: A Z", LogLevel::ERROR);