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Electromagnetics codes to compute radiative heat transfer, Green's functions, and reflection/transmission for multilayer structures

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Owen D. Miller

A set of c/c++ (more like c + classes) codes for a variety of electromagnetics computations for multilayer stacks of metals/dielectrics. The code uses a stable scattering matrix computation, in contrast to the more typically used (and numerically unstable) transmission matrix formalism. For a stack composed of arbitrarily many layers, one can compute:

  • Scattering matrices
  • Reflection / Transmission (field and power coefficients)
  • Density of States (electric DOS) at any point in the stack
  • Radiative heat transfer, between either a single point or a whole layer and a user-specified set of flux planes.

The heat transfer is computed through the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which provides a simple expression for the stochastic sources in media at a giventemperature.

A reference for both the scattering matrix approach and the heat transfer formulation is (note I have implemented one or two things differently to speed up the algorithm):

Francoeur et. al., "Solution of near-field thermal radiation in one-dimensional layered media using dyadic Green's functions and the scattering matrix method," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110, 2002 (2009) []

The codes are written in standard non-dimensional units. Simple conversion factors are commented around the corresponding functions.


  • heat_transfer_sim.cpp: a working example of how to compute emission rates in a large complex multilayer system.

  • dos_sim.cpp: similarly, a working example of how to compute the density of states.

  • SMatrix.cpp: a class to hold scattering matrices of a structure at a given frequency (w) and parallel wavevector (kp)

  • mlgeo.cpp: a multilayer geometry class, encapsulating the permittivity and thickness of each layer (including the embedding half-spaces)

  • fieldFunctions.cpp: contains the functions to compute flux rates, the density of states, and the reflection/transmission coefficients. Also contains auxiliary functions to compute blackbody flux rates and the density of states in vacuum (in non-dimensional units, again).

  • materials.cpp: (NOT REQUIRED) Note that this is an auxiliary code I have provided. It is a code I use with functions for common material models (in the infrared). Users can specify permittivities however they see fit.

  • numericalIntegration.cpp: (NOT REQUIRED) This file provides functions to perform numerical integrations over wavevector and possible frequency. It uses the Cubature package written by Steven G. Johnson

  • Many of the above have corresponding header files

Note that as currently written, heat_transfer_sim.cpp and dos_sim.cpp do each use a lambda, so I compile them with the -std=c++11 flag. However, this is not at all required (it is only to comply with my own material function definitions) and no other aspect of the code depends on c++11.

On Windows, you may have to compile with the flag -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES (for M_PI)

The codes here have been verified a number of ways, including reproducing results from the following papers (in addition to the reference above)

  • Karl Joulain, Remi Carminati, Jean-Philippe Mulet, and Jean-Jacques Greffet, "Definition and measurement of the local density of electromagnetic states close to an interface," Physical Review B 68, 245405 (2003) [[] (]
  • Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Karl Joulain, Jeremie Dervillon, and Gilberto Domingues, "Near-field heat transfer mediated by surface wave hybridization between two films," Journal of Applied Physics 106, 044306 (2009) []
  • Yu Guo, Christian L. Cortes, Sean Molesky, and Zubin Jacob, "Broadband super-Planckian thermal emission from hyperbolic metamaterial," Applied Physics Letters 101, 131106 (2012) []


Electromagnetics codes to compute radiative heat transfer, Green's functions, and reflection/transmission for multilayer structures






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