A set of c/c++ (more like c + classes) codes for a variety of electromagnetics computations for multilayer stacks of metals/dielectrics. The code uses a stable scattering matrix computation, in contrast to the more typically used (and numerically unstable) transmission matrix formalism. For a stack composed of arbitrarily many layers, one can compute:
- Scattering matrices
- Reflection / Transmission (field and power coefficients)
- Density of States (electric DOS) at any point in the stack
- Radiative heat transfer, between either a single point or a whole layer and a user-specified set of flux planes.
The heat transfer is computed through the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which provides a simple expression for the stochastic sources in media at a giventemperature.
A reference for both the scattering matrix approach and the heat transfer formulation is (note I have implemented one or two things differently to speed up the algorithm):
Francoeur et. al., "Solution of near-field thermal radiation in one-dimensional layered media using dyadic Green's functions and the scattering matrix method," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110, 2002 (2009) [dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2009.05.010]
The codes are written in standard non-dimensional units. Simple conversion factors are commented around the corresponding functions.
heat_transfer_sim.cpp: a working example of how to compute emission rates in a large complex multilayer system.
dos_sim.cpp: similarly, a working example of how to compute the density of states.
SMatrix.cpp: a class to hold scattering matrices of a structure at a given frequency (w) and parallel wavevector (kp)
mlgeo.cpp: a multilayer geometry class, encapsulating the permittivity and thickness of each layer (including the embedding half-spaces)
fieldFunctions.cpp: contains the functions to compute flux rates, the density of states, and the reflection/transmission coefficients. Also contains auxiliary functions to compute blackbody flux rates and the density of states in vacuum (in non-dimensional units, again).
materials.cpp: (NOT REQUIRED) Note that this is an auxiliary code I have provided. It is a code I use with functions for common material models (in the infrared). Users can specify permittivities however they see fit.
numericalIntegration.cpp: (NOT REQUIRED) This file provides functions to perform numerical integrations over wavevector and possible frequency. It uses the Cubature package written by Steven G. Johnson
Many of the above have corresponding header files
Note that as currently written, heat_transfer_sim.cpp and dos_sim.cpp do each use a lambda, so I compile them with the -std=c++11 flag. However, this is not at all required (it is only to comply with my own material function definitions) and no other aspect of the code depends on c++11.
On Windows, you may have to compile with the flag -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES (for M_PI)
The codes here have been verified a number of ways, including reproducing results from the following papers (in addition to the reference above)
- Karl Joulain, Remi Carminati, Jean-Philippe Mulet, and Jean-Jacques Greffet, "Definition and measurement of the local density of electromagnetic states close to an interface," Physical Review B 68, 245405 (2003) [[dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.68.245405] (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.68.245405)]
- Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Karl Joulain, Jeremie Dervillon, and Gilberto Domingues, "Near-field heat transfer mediated by surface wave hybridization between two films," Journal of Applied Physics 106, 044306 (2009) [dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3204481]
- Yu Guo, Christian L. Cortes, Sean Molesky, and Zubin Jacob, "Broadband super-Planckian thermal emission from hyperbolic metamaterial," Applied Physics Letters 101, 131106 (2012) [dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754616]