A library for logging HTTP requests and responses on server and client.
There are different modules for client and server, and modules shared by both:
Client logging libraries.
Logging org.apache.httpHttpRequestInterceptor
s for request and response.
compile 'com.ocarlsen.logging.http:client-apache:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Logging org.springframework.http.clientClientHttpRequestInterceptor
s for request and response.
compile 'com.ocarlsen.logging.http:client-spring:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
The parent POM.
Aggregator project for reports, e.g. JaCoCo.
Server logging libraries.
Logging javax.servlet.Filter
s for request and response.
compile 'com.ocarlsen.logging.http:server-javaee:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Logging com.sun.net.httpserver.Filter
s for request and response.
compile 'com.ocarlsen.logging.http:server-jdk:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Utilities for project.