Ideas, considerations and POCs for a custom Thingsboard Gateway implementation as a distributed event driven application based on Redis, Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4.
We will show how easily we can implement a custom Thingsboard Gateway application, connecting Hl7v2 messages to Thingsboard, while having a solution open for future additional complexities.
It will be comprised of 4 running services: a Redis
instance and 2 spring boot services: redisx-mqtt-bridge
a hl7-connector
and a video-connector
You can read about the motivation for a Custom Thingsboard Gateway Implementation based on Redis here.
- Thingsboard Gateway integration.
- Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4 project configurations.
- Spring Boot 3 Starter development.
- Apache Camel HL7v2 camel integration.
- Spring Data Redis reactive streams.
- HiveMQ reactive java MQTT client.
- Apache Camel 4 component development: Video Input Output Component.
- Deep Java Library (DJL) integration. Yolo 5 detection.
- redisx-mqtt-bridge: A service which connects redis streams and MQTT topics, allowing the
seamless transmission of bytes through reactive APIs. It allows us to create
ThingsBoard Redis Streams Gateway API
. - hl7-connector: A Thingsboard Smart Gateway sample connector service for HL7v2 messages based on Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4.
- thingsboard-smartgw-connector-base: A base library in order to implement a
Thingsboard Smart Gateway java connector. Basically,
ThingsBoard Redis Streams Gateway API
publisher and some message converter contracts. - thingsboard-smartgw-connector-starter: the Spring Boot starter library
for the previously described library so a
Thingsboard Smart Gateway Java Connector
may automatically have aThingsBoard Redis Streams Gateway API
publisher instantiated and configured. - environment:
- video-connector: A Thingsboard Smart Gateway sample connector service for video input and output based on Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4.
- camel-video-io: An Apache Camel component for video input and output based on javacv library.
Let's suppose a vital signs monitor device that monitors a patient's vital signs, like breath rate, heart rate and body temperature, by sending HL7v2 ORU-R01 messages to a health information system. The ORU-R01 (Unsolicited observation result) message in HL7 is used to transmit observations and results, which could include vital signs information, laboratory test results, radiology reports, etc.
The following is an example of an ORU-R01 message:
PID|1|123456|78901234||Doe^John^^Mr.||19900101|M|||123 Main St.^^City^ST^12345||||S|MRN123456789|1234567890|
OBR|1|123456|78901234|Vital Signs^Monitor|||20230801103000|||123^Smith^John^Dr.^^^|||||||||||ADM1234567890|20230801103000|
OBX|1|NM|9279-1^Respiratory rate^LN||20|/min||A|||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|2|NM|8867-4^Heart rate^LN||80|bpm|||||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|3|NM|8310-5^Body temperature^LN||37.0|Cel|||||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|4|NM|9279-1^Respiratory rate^LN||22|/min|||||F|||20230801103500|
OBX|5|NM|8867-4^Heart rate^LN||85|bpm|||||F|||20230801103500|
OBX|6|NM|8310-5^Body temperature^LN||37.1|Cel|||||F|||20230801103500|
- Docker and docker compose installed on your machine
- Java 17+
- Maven 3+ installed
- A running Thingsboard server or a Thingsboard Cloud account account.
- A
Gateway device
created in Thingsboard and the device access token copied.
Let s start cloning the project and deploying the redis instance:
$ git clone
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
$ cd thingsboard-smartgw/environment
# Deploy Redis
$ docker-compose up
Given the following configuration file:
host: #
username: O5iuAs0O1MVFH23lbmL0 # The TB Gateway device access token
# password:
- name: telemetry
direction: REDIS_TO_MQTT
streamKey: telemetry # Send telemetry here
topic: v1/gateway/telemetry
- name: attributes #
direction: REDIS_TO_MQTT
streamKey: attributes # client attribute updates
topic: v1/gateway/attributes
- name: attributes updates
direction: MQTT_TO_REDIS
streamKey: attribute.updates # shared attribute updates on attribute.updates stream
topic: v1/gateway/attributes
redisx-mqtt-bridge allows us to convert the Thingsboard Mqtt Gateway api into a ThingsBoard Redis Gateway API.
Run the redisx-mqtt-bridge service.
$ cd redisx-mqtt-bridge
$ mvn spring-boot:run
The HL7 Thingsboard Gateway Connector
is a Spring Boot 3 and Apache Camel 4 project, that will process ORU-R01
messages, generating telemetry and client attribute updates.
Given the following configuration file HL7 Connector in application.yml.
# This is the endpoint of incoming requests - HL7 Server.
hostname: localhost
port: 8888
# Utility Route - HL7v2 message producer from file definitions
enabled: true # Enables a utility route
input-dir: /tmp/hl7 # Drop HLv2 messages into this folder for testing and development
delay-in-seconds: 5
we are providing a HL7 Server endpoint and a utility route that will read HL7v2 messages from a folder and send them to the HL7 Server endpoint.
Run the hl7-connector service.
$ cd hl7-connector
$ mvn spring-boot:run
You will find ORU-R01 sample message in resources folder.
PID|1|123456|78901234||Doe^John^^Mr.||19900101|M|||123 Main St.^^City^ST^12345||||S|MRN123456789|1234567890|
OBR|1|123456|78901234|Vital Signs^Monitor|||20230801103000|||123^Smith^John^Dr.^^^|||||||||||ADM1234567890|20230801103000|
OBX|1|NM|9279-1^Respiratory rate^LN||20|/min||A|||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|2|NM|8867-4^Heart rate^LN||80|bpm|||||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|3|NM|8310-5^Body temperature^LN||37.0|Cel|||||F|||20230801103000|
OBX|4|NM|9279-1^Respiratory rate^LN||22|/min|||||F|||20230801103500|
OBX|5|NM|8867-4^Heart rate^LN||85|bpm|||||F|||20230801103500|
OBX|6|NM|8310-5^Body temperature^LN||37.1|Cel|||||F|||20230801103500|
Just drop it in file-producer.input-dir
location. The connector will automatically process the HL7 message and extract
telemetry and client attributes updates.
Check the Thingsboard console to verify data transmission. A device named MonitorApp-MonitorDevice
will be created and
telemetry and attributes will be updated accordingly.
One common concern when considering Apache Camel for integration is the availability of specific clients or connectors. Some might wonder if Apache Camel remains a viable choice when their desired component isn't readily available.
We 'll explore a hypothetical situation: We need to add a video connector to our gateway to connect to a video source, perform person and car detections on each frame, and transmit the results to Thingsboard. All be built on top of Apache Camel.
To achieve this, we create two components:
- Video-IO Camel Component: This component facilitates video input and output for Apache Camel.
- Video-Connector for the Gateway: Implemented as a Camel route, this component leverages Yolo V5 detections to process video data , relaying the information to Thingsboard.