Works only with Postgres. It reads pg connection options from enviroment variables
PGPASSWORD=1 PGUSER=1 PGDATABASE=1 PGHOST= PGPORT=5432 npx types-from-sql 'select * from table'
specify glob instead of query, -fn
to set interface name to filename:
PGPASSWORD=1 PGUSER=1 PGDATABASE=1 PGHOST= PGPORT=5432 npx types-from-sql -f ./test/*.sql
also interface name can be set with directive @InterfaceName
in comment on top of sql:
-- @InterfaceName: INotification
select * from table
redirect output to interface file with >
PGPASSWORD=1 PGUSER=1 PGDATABASE=1 PGHOST= PGPORT=5432 npx types-from-sql -fn ./test/*.sql
See also sql builder with typecheck: