Webmarizer is a GUI wrapper for FFmpeg.
One click - multiple GIFS or WEBMs from a single video.
WEBMARIZER automatically 'summarizes' a video by creating multiple WEBMs / GIFs per video in your folder. This is similar to a video thumbnails sheet but in GIF/WEBM form. Videos must be located in same folder that the program is in.
- Automatically creates multiple GIFs or WEBMs with a single button click
- Lets you choose how many GIFs or WEBMs you want to create per video
- Allows you to set limits on file size and width for both WEBMs and GIFs to comply with website limits (4chan, reddit, tumblr, etc)
- Allows you to enable or disable audio for WEBMs
- Lets you choose specific times / timestamps from which to generate GIFs or WEBMs
Go to the releases section here and download the latest release for Mac OSX or Windows.