This repository contains your starter code for group activity 5. Before uploading to GitHub and Gradescope, make sure your code fully runs by restarting the kernel and running every cell.
Objective: Objective: Practice using Pandas and the basics of Xarray
Create a fork of the class repository in GitHub.
Clone this repository into the home directory of your own JupyterHub by running this command:
git clone your_SSH_URL
Our JupyterHub server has trouble remembering the file permissions for our SSH keys. If you get a file permission error with your private ssh key, run the following line of code in your Terminal:
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
This will change your file permission to the proper permissions that SSH requires.
There should now be a "week6_inclass" directory in the home directory of your JupyterHub. In terminal, change directories into "week6_inclass". Next, click on the the "week6_inclass" icon on the filepath hierarchy in the left panel of JupyterHub. If you don't see it, make sure you're in the home folder by clicking the folder icon under the search bar.
Double click the "group_activity5.ipynb" to open it in a new tab and begin working on the assignment. Read the instructions carefully, and make sure to write your answers in the specified cells.
Make sure to use the answer variable names provided in the starter code. There are autograder tests embedded in the notebook that will check your work when you run the Autograder, and you can which tests you passed/failed after you submit.
Make sure that your git commands are running without errors before you refresh your GitHub and check your changes. If you are not seeing the updated changes you created in your local JupyterHub directory, check where your status is by this command:
git status
Then, you can see if you made an error with your git add, commit, or push commands.
Each question will be timed to ensure that everyone gets to work on at least a part of every question. Group activities are not graded by completeness or correctness, but by effort. We will be breaking down each question in the following order:
- Independent work
- Group work and discussion on coding question
- Group work and discussion on reflection questions
You are welcome and encouraged to communicate with other groups and the teaching team when you feel stuck on a problem.
As a reminder, we will be grading based best practices in coding. These include:
Variables are used to store objects
Code is commented adequately
Variables are names appropriately
Code is efficient with minimal unnecessary lines
Documenting help from outside sources, such as from other groups or online documentation.
Final notebook fully runs from start to finish. A good way to check this is restarting the kernel and fully running through all the cells to check for any errors
You can either submit your code by:
Follow the instructions in the Canvas page to git add, commit, and push to GitHub.
Connect your GitHub to Gradescope and upload the correct repository. Once you have submitted, make sure to add your group members!