This sample is demonstrating the NVIDIA RTX Mega Geometry technology with a continuous level of detail (LoD) technique using mesh clusters that
leverages VK_NV_cluster_acceleration_structure
for ray tracing. It can also rasterize the content
using VK_NV_mesh_shader
. Furthermore, the sample implements an on-demand streaming system from RAM to VRAM for the geometry.
In rasterization continuous LoD techniques can help performance as they reduce the impact of sub-pixel triangles. For both ray tracing and rasterization these techniques can be combined with streaming the geometry data at the required detail level and work within a memory budget.
This work was inspired by the Nanite rendering system for Unreal Engine by Epic Games. We highly recommend having a look at A Deep Dive into Nanite Virtualized Geometry, Karis et al. 2021.
Please have a look at the vk_animated_clusters to familiarize yourself with the new ray tracing cluster extension. There are some similarities in the organization of this sample with the vk_tessellated_clusters sample.
The sample makes use of a new open-source library nv_cluster_lod_builder to process the model and generate the required cluster and LoD data. The LoD system is organized in groups of clusters whose meshes were simplified together. A lot more details on this geometry representation and the LoD system can be found in the documentation of the library.
In principle the rendering loop is similar for rasterization and ray tracing. The traversal of the LoD hierarchy and the interaction with the streaming system are the same.
One key difference is that for ray tracing the cluster level acceleration structures (CLAS) need to be built, as well as the BLAS that reflects which clusters are used in an instance. Rasterization can render directly from the original geometry data and can render from the global list of clusters of any instance.
To allow easing into the topic, the sample has options to disable streaming as well as simplifying the CLAS allocation or switch between rasterization and ray tracing. In the next sections we will go over how the sample is organized and the key operations, what functions and files to look at.
Data structures that are shared between host and device are within the shaderio
- shaders/shaderio.h: Frame setup like camera and readback structure for debugging, some statistics.
- shaders/shaderio_scene.h: Key definitions to represent the scene and cluster geometry.
The scene can be rendered with or without streaming:
- scene_preloaded.cpp: simply uploads all geometry, with all clusters of all LoD levels.
- scene_streaming.cpp: implements the streaming system, more details later. Enabled by default.
The full logic of the renderers is implemented in:
- renderer_raster_clusters_lod.cpp: Rasterization using
- renderer_raytrace_clusters_lod.cpp: Ray tracing using
. Enabled by default if available.
This sample is using nv_cluster_lod_builder for generating the clusters and the level of detail data structures. We recommend looking at its documentation for further details.
Inside scene.cpp the Scene:buildClusters()
function covers the usage of the library and what data we need
to extract from it.
In the UI you can influence the size of clusters and the LoD grouping of them in "Clusters & LoDs generation".
At the time of writing the library does not support respecting the cluster vertex limit, so after processing this value might be increased over what was selected in the ui. And if the upper limit of 256 is exceeded, the application will fail to load the scene for now.
⚠️ The processing of larger scenes can take minutes, even on CPUs with many cores. You may want to use "File > Save Cache" after the processing is completed. It will try to store the result of the cluster lod building in a simple uncompressed binary file next to the original input file. You can check the log/console output if errors occurred. Through the-autosavecache 1
command-line option you can enable auto-saving.When a cached result file is found next to the input model, its results are taken, and the cluster and lod settings are immutable in the UI.
Be aware, there are currently not a lot of compatibility checks for these cache files, therefore we recommend deleting if changes were made to the original input mesh.
The key operation for rendering is to traverse the LoD hierarchy and build the list of renderable clusters. For ray tracing we need to build BLAS based on that list as well. When streaming is active, then CLAS have to be built for the clusters of the newly loaded groups (dashed outlines). They are built into scratch space first, so the allocation logic can use their accurate build sizes and move them to a persistent location.
All operations are performed indirectly on the device and do not require any readbacks to host.
Use "Traversal" settings within the UI to influence it.
Relevant files to traversal in their usage order:
- shaders/shaderio_building.h: All data structures related to traversal are stored in
- shaders/traversal_init.comp.glsl: Seeds the LoD root nodes of instances for traversal into
. - shaders/traversal_run.comp.glsl: Performs the hierarchical LoD traversal using a persistent kernel. Outputs the list of render clusters
. - shaders/build_setup.comp.glsl: Simple compute shader that is used to do basic operations in preparation of other kernels. Often clamping results to stay within limits.
- shaders/blas_setup_insertion.comp.glsl: Sets up the per-BLAS range for the cluster references based on how many clusters each BLAS needs (which traversal computed as well).
- shaders/blas_clusters_insert.comp.glsl: Fills the per-BLAS cluster references (
) from the render cluster list. The actual BLAS build is triggered inRendererRayTraceClustersLod::render
(look for "BLAS Build").
Does not need the BLAS build steps and can render directly from SceneBuilding::renderClusterInfos
Frustum and occlusion culling can be done to reduce the number of rendered clusters during traversal.
- shaders/render_raster_clusters.mesh.glsl: Mesh shader to render a cluster.
- shaders/render_raster.frag.glsl
Ray Tracing: After the BLAS are built, also runs the TLAS build or update and then traces rays. Frustum and occlusion culling only influence the LoD factors per-instance through a simple heuristic. Ray tracing will render more clusters even with culling than raster.
- shaders/render_raytrace_clusters.rchit.glsl: Hit shader that handles shading of a hit on a cluster. There is only cluster geometry in this sample to be hit.
- shaders/render_raytrace.rgen.glsl
- shaders/render_raytrace.rmiss.glsl
The occlusion culling is kept basic, testing the footprint of the bounding box against the appropriate mip-level of last frame's HiZ buffer and last frame's matrices. This can cause artifacts on faster motion.
The streaming system operates at the granularity of geometry groups. One group contains multiple clusters that were decimated together and are seamless among each other.
Each geometry has an array that stores the device address for a group,
, this makes it easy to access the groups from
the LoD traversal nodes. The device address is legal only if the 64-bit value is
(top most bit set). If it's invalid,
than the lower 63-bits encode the frame index when it was last added to the request
load list, to prevent adding the same missing groups multiple times in a frame.
We differentiate between "active" groups, those that can be loaded and unloaded, and "persistent" groups, that are always loaded.
Core files for the streaming system:
- scene_streaming.hpp
- scene_streaming.cpp
- scene_streaming_utils.hpp
- scene_streaming_utils.cpp
- shaders/shaderio_streaming.h
You will notice that the key components exist both on the C++ side as well as on
the device as shaderio
structs. Each component can manage up to STREAMING_MAX_ACTIVE_TASKS
: Array of groups are missing and should be loaded or have not been accessed and can be unloaded. (purple in the diagram).StreamingResident
: The table of resident geometry groups and clusters. The table might be filled sparsely; therefore, we keep a compact array of active group indices as well.StreamingStorage
: Manages the storage and transfer for dynamically loaded geometry data, as well as freeing the memory for unloads. (dark red in diagram).StreamingUpdate
: Defines the update on the device for the actual loads and unloads. We might request more than we can serve. It executes after the transfer of new geometry data is completed. (orange in the diagram)
In the UI under "Streaming" one can change several behaviors and limitations. These mostly drive how much streaming requests can be handled within a single frame, and what the upper budgets for dynamic content are. These values do not represent recommendations and are just arbitrary defaults.
For every geometry, the lowest level of detail group is uploaded and for ray tracing the CLAS of all clusters within are generated once and also persistently stored.
The Geometry::streamingGroupAddresses
are filled with appropriate addresses for
those persistently loaded groups, and the rest of the groups are set to be invalid.
The memory limits in the configuration do not cover this persistently loaded data, which is always allocated.
However, when we register these persistent groups in the StreamingResident
object table,
they do count against the limit of the table size. We automatically increase the
table size to at least have enough space to hold all low detail groups.
The streaming system is frame-based. Each frame we trigger some tasks and always initiate the streaming request task. There can be only one task per kind applied on the device.
All these operations for a frame are configured within the shaderio::SceneStreaming
struct that is filled
in SceneStreaming::cmdBeginFrame
and accessible as both UBO and SSBO in the shaders.
We go through the core steps of streaming process in chronological order from the perspective of a request:
On the device we fill in the request task details.
During traversal missing geometry groups are appended to the request load array. See
within shaders/traversal_run.comp.glsl, which is called by the renderer. After traversal any groups that have not been accessed in a while are appended to the request unload array.See shaders/stream_agefilter_groups.comp.glsl which is called in
At the end of the frame we download the request to host inSceneStreaming::cmdEndFrame
. -
The request is handled on the host after checking its availability.
The actual number of loads to perform is adjusted based on the available per-frame limits and if we can stay within the memory budget. The operation triggers the storage upload of newly loaded geometry groups via a
task. It also prepares aStreamingUpdate
task, which encodes the patching of the scene and an update to the resident object table. Along with this is aStreamingResident
task that provides the new state of active group indices.See
Once the storage upload is completed, the appropriate update task is run. This update task actually patches the device side buffers so the loads and unloads become effective. When ray tracing is active, we will also build - on device - the CLAS of the newly loaded groups and handle their allocation management along with the patching.
See shaders/stream_update_scene.comp.glsl run within
CLAS allocation management is done either through a persistent allocator system (
shader files) or through a simple compaction system (stream_compaction...
shader files). More about that later. -
After the update task is completed on the device the host can safely release the memory of unloaded groups. This memory is then recycled when we load new geometry groups at step (2).
See the beginning of
This concludes the lifetime of a request from initial recording to all its dependent operations being completed.
Overall, both loading and unloading strategies are rather basic and there is room for improvement. Loading is purely based on the traversal, we expect that sorting the instances by camera distance and then seeding traversal nodes accordingly will help loading with priority around the camera.
The streaming system has quite some configurable options, mostly balancing how many operations should be done within a single frame. There is also the ability to use an asynchronous transfer queue for the data uploads, otherwise we just upload on the main queue prior to the patch operations.
The provided defaults have not been tuned by any means and are not be seen as recommendations.
Lastly, another major option is how the CLAS are allocated within the fixed size CLAS buffer. Since the actual size of a CLAS is only known on the device after it was built and the estimates from the host can be a lot higher. We used solutions that can be implemented on the device, not relying on further host readbacks but still trying to make efficient use of the memory based on actual sizes.
Two options are provided, and they both first build new CLAS into scratch space before moving them to their resident location.
Simple CLAS Compaction: This simple scheme is based on a basic compaction algorithm that - on the device - packs all resident cluster CLAS tightly before appending newly built ones. This can cause bursts of high amount of memory movement and a lot of bandwidth and scratch space consumption. This is despite the fact that the new cluster API does provide functionality for moving objects to overlapping memory destinations.
We do not recommend this, but it is the easiest way to get going.
shader files -
Persistent CLAS Allocator: In this option we implement a persistent memory manager on the device so that CLAS-s are moved only once after initial building. See more in next chapter.
The goal of the persistent CLAS allocator is to provide a persistent CLAS memory location with a fixed budget CLAS buffer. This means we need to move the CLAS only once from its scratch space to a permanent location. We later reclaim that memory when the group owning the CLAS is unloaded.
The implementation is completely on the device and does not require the host. However, we need to read back the status of the free space to the host, so that it can guarantee not to schedule newly loaded groups that are not guaranteed to fit.
Building the CLAS into scratch space first allows us to easily access the actual size of the CLAS when making the allocation. While upper bounds can be queried on the host, they are typically far from the real consumption, and we want to benefit from tight packing.
The allocator represents the memory usage in a bit array based on the granularity of CLAS sizes. As of writing the minimum granularity is 128 bytes and can be increased further in the UI via "Allocator granularity shift bits". This granularity forms the basic "units" that the allocator operates in. All sizes, offsets etc. are based on these units and they map to range of bits in the big array.
The bits are set during allocation, and cleared during deallocation. We allocate on a per-group level and allocation sizes are at minimum 32 units.
We scan a sector of bits within a single subgroup to find free gaps.
The default number of sector bits is expressed in shifting the value of 32, i.e. 32 << 10
("Allocator sector shift bits" is set to 10 in UI). The free gaps are clamped in their
size to the maximum group allocation size we can ever get. Which is computed
by maximumClasSize * clustersPerGroup
. The former is queried from the driver
based on the maximum number of cluster triangles and vertices, the latter was a setting
of how we configured the cluster LoD builder.
Following operations are performed per frame:
- If there is groups to be unloaded as part of the update task, then execute shaders/stream_allocator_unload_groups.comp.glsl to clear the appropriate bits.
- If there was unloading, or we do new loading of groups we need to build
the list of free gaps that the allocator can use. This is done in a few steps. First, we run
which finds the gaps in sector bits and writes them out in an unsorted fashion into
. We also bump the histogram over the various gap sizes,StreamingAllocator::freeSizeRanges[size].count
. - We reset a global gap count via using
in shaders/stream_setup.glsl - Using the global gap counter and the
the offsetStreamingAllocator::freeSizeRanges[size].offset
is computed for each size within shaders/stream_allocator_setup_insertion.comp.glsl. The shader resets the per-size counts. - Now the free gaps are binned by their size into the per-size array ranges that were just computed. shaders/stream_allocator_freegaps_insert.comp.glsl is responsible for this operation.
- Finally, we have all the data to do the allocation of newly loaded groups. Details can be found in shaders/stream_allocator_load_groups.comp.glsl. We compute the group's required allocation size from its CLAS sizes and then look for free gaps of the same size or slightly bigger. When nothing is found, we will attempt to make bigger allocations combining multiple groups that didn't find a gap. Last but not least we will sub-allocate from the worst-case sized allocation gaps. We have guaranteed on the host that we would never trigger more loads than we have worst-case free space for.
- To ensure this guarantee, after the allocation is completed, we store the state of the worst-case gap sizes that are left into the
currently recorded request task information.
This is done by running
in shaders/stream_setup.glsl
In future versions we will try to optimize this scheme a bit further.
The technology being quite new, we might not have ironed out all issues. If you experience instabilities, please let us know through GitHub Issues. You can use the commandline to change some defaults:
-renderer 0
starts with rasterization.-supersample 0
disables the super sampling that otherwise doubles rendering resolution in each dimension.-clasallocator 0
disables the more complex gpu-driven allocator when streaming-gridcopies N
set the number of model copies in the scene.-gridunique 0
disables the generation of unique geometries for every model copy. Greatly reduces memory consumption by truly instancing everything. By default on to stress streaming.-streaming 0
disables streaming system and uses preloaded scene (warning this can use a lot of memory, use above-gridunique 0
to reduce)-vsync 0
disable vsync. If changing vsync via UI does not work, try to use the driver's NVIDIA Control Panel and setVulkan/OpenGL present method: native
- The
can only be accessed in shaders usinggl_ClusterIDNV
after enablingVkRayTracingPipelineClusterAccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV::allowClusterAccelerationStructures
for that pipeline. We useGL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics
rather than dedicated GLSL extension support that may come at a later time. - Few error checks are performed on out of memory situations, which can happen on higher "render copies" values, or the complexity of the loaded scene
- If the cluster library generates clusters > 256 vertices, scene loading will fail. This should be addressed in future versions.
- The number of threads used in the persistent kernel is basd on a crude heuristic for now and was not evaluated to be the optimal amount.
- Sort instances by proximity to the camera and seed traversal in such order. This will help loading objects close to the camera first.
- Detecting instances with lowest detail could allow re-using a single persistent lowest-detail BLAS, rather than building one per-instance all the time.
- Using this LOD system for minification and tessellation for magnification is another use-case we intend to demonstrate in a future sample.
- Further optimizations to the allocator
- Ray tracing could use culling information better. Currently there is a simple logic that just lowers the LoD factors when an instance is culled by frustum or HiZ.
- Improve performance of the library that builds the cluster lod system.
- Allowing the use of a compute shader to do rasterization of smaller/non-clipped triangles.
- EXT_mesh_shader support
The new VK_NV_cluster_acceleration_structure
extension requires new drivers, earliest release version is 572.16
from 1/30/2025.
The sample should run on older drivers with just rasterization available.
Point cmake to the vk_lod_clusters
directory and for example set the output directory to /build
We recommend starting with a Release
build, as the Debug
build has a lot more UI elements.
The cmake setup will download the Stanford Bunny
glTF 2.0 model that serves as default scene.
It will also look for nvpro_core
either as subdirectory of the current project directory, or up to two levels above. If it is not found, it will automatically download the git repo into /build/_deps
Note, that the repository of nvpro_core
needs to be updated manually in case the sample is updated manually, as version mismatches could occur over time.
The Vulkan validation layers may interfere with extensions it doesn't know about, therefore it is currently disabled in debug builds. This will be changed with future Vulkan SDKs.
Other Vulkan samples using the new extensions are:
- - showcases basic usage of new ray tracing cluster extension.
- - provides a sample implementation of a basic cluster-LoD based rendering and streaming system.
- - New extension to manage incremental TLAS updates.
We also recommend having a look at RTX Mega Geometry, which demonstrates tessellation of subdivision surfaces in DirectX 12.
We prepared two more scenes to play with. They are based on models from
- threedscans_animals
- 7.9 M Triangles
- ~ 1.4 GB preloaded memory
- 290 MB zip
- threedscans_statues
- 6.9 M Triangles
- ~ 1.3 GB preloaded memory
- 280 MB zip
These models can take minutes to load, due to the processing into the cluster lod system, even on systems with many CPU cores. We recommend making use of "File > Save Cache" menu entry to store the results of the initial processing next to the original files.
meshoptimizer is used during the mesh simplification process and when the triangles within a cluster are re-ordered to improve triangle strips.