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Field System 'metserver' software.


The metserver gets Paroscientific, Inc. MET3 (Meteorological
Measurement System) and Vaisala Corporation (Ultrasonic Wind Sensors)
information on rquest from client.

Read the INSTALL for installation instructions.


metserver will call on metget to retrive information from
MET3/MET4/MET4A meteorological sensor and Vaisala WMT70x wind sensor
by using the ports that you have designated.

example: /dev/ttySx /dev/ttySx

Information will be read from named /dev/ports on request for the
client returned to the client.


Errors from metserver will go to /tmp/metserver.error file, /var/log/syslog,
and an email will be sent to the operator. metserver WILL NOT exit on errors.


If you get an error regarding the metserver and/or the metclient, that you
can't correct and you want to stop either or both of the programs you will
need to kill the metserver and/or the metclient manually. They will not exit
on errors.

 (This will give you the PID's for both the metserver and/or the metclient,
  whichever is running at the time:)

   prompt> log in as root
   prompt> ps -ef | grep met
   prompt> kill PID

   prompt> ps -ef | grep met

   prog     13526     1  0 16:39 ?        00:00:00 /usr2/metserver/metserver/dev/ttyS19 /dev/ttyS18
   root     13630     1  0 16:53 pts/3    00:00:00 /usr2/metclient/metclient/usr2/control/metlog.ctl
   prog     13815 13533  0 17:43 pts/3    00:00:00 grep met

   prompt> kill 13526 13630