- Author(s) : Abdel, Rémy, Abdellah zineddine, Jean-François COLAS
- Download stable version
- Download development version
This add-on improves the accessibility of the software mp3DirectCut with NVDA.
It has been tested with versions of mp3DirectCut ranging from 212 up to 223.
This addon offers the following commands:
- B
- Used to confirm correct placement of the marker of the beginning of the selection B.
- Ctrl+Shift+B
- Used to indicate the position of the marker of the beginning of selection B.
- Double pressure lets give you the duration of the selection.
- Ctrl+Shift+D
- Gives the duration from the beginning of the file to the current position of the playback cursor.
- Double pressure lets give you the total duration.
- Ctrl+R
- Confirms that the selection has been canceled.
- Ctrl+Shift+R
- Gives the time remaining from the current position of the playback cursor to the end of the file.
- Ctrl+Shift+E
- Used to indicate the position of the marker of the end of selection N.
- Double pressure gives recapitulatif positions B and N, and the duration of the selection.
- Ctrl+Shift+P
- Give the reference of the actual part and the total number of parts in the current file.
- Ctrl+Shift+Space
- Used to determine the current level of the vu-meter, during recording.
- Double pressure reset it.
- Down Arrow
- Lets you see the current position of the playhead.
- This command also position the cursor at the location of the marker of the end of selection N, while giving the location of this marker if a selection has been made.
- In the volume dialog box, vocalise the next value that can be reached generally with downArrow.
- This value is not vocalized default.
- End
- Moves the playback cursor at the end of the current file and give the total time.
- Home
- Moves the playback cursor at the beginning of the current file.
- Left Arrow
- Lets make a brief return back of one second during playback, while giving the current duration.
- This duration is configurable in the options of mp3directcut.
- N
- Used to confirm correct placement of the marker of the end of the selection N.
- Page Down
- Lets make a leap forward of 10 seconds during playback, while giving the current duration.
- This duration is configurable in the options of mp3directcut.
- Page Up
- Lets make a return back of 10 seconds during playback, while giving the current duration.
- This duration is configurable in the options of mp3directcut.
- R
- Allows to prepare a record and whether you can press spacebar to start.
- Right Arrow
- Lets do a brief forward of one second during playback, while giving the current duration.
- This duration is configurable in the options of mp3directcut.
- Ctrl+Right Arrow
- Moves to the next splitting point, while giving the current duration.
- Ctrl+Left Arrow
- Moves to the previous splitting point, while giving the current duration.
- Shift+Right Arrow
- Lets do a brief forward of four hundredths of seconds during playback, while giving the current duration.
- Shift+Left Arrow
- Lets do a brief backwards of four hundredths of seconds during playback, while giving the current duration.
- S
- Used to stop the reading and give the current duration.
- Space
- If the recording is ready, start this recording.
- If a recording is in progress, stop it by positioning the cursor at the beginning.
- If a file is loaded, start the reading.
- If a read is in progress, allows to do a pause by giving current duration.
- If read is paused, allows to restart the reading from the current location.
- Up Arrow
- Lets you see the current position of the playhead.
- This command also position the cursor at the location of the marker of the beginning of selection B, while giving the location of this marker if a selection has been made.
- In the volume dialog box, vocalise the previous value that can be reached generally with upArrow.
- This value is not vocalized default.
- Lets open the help of the current add-on.
- Used the gui.guiHelper module to ensure the correct appearance of the addon's configuration dialog;
- Used format instead of %s for formatted strings;
- Used compliance with guidelines for implementation.
- Added the GPL license to the addon;
- Changed the shortcut of the script giving the end of selection from Ctrl + Shift + N to Ctrl + Shift + E because Ctrl + Shift + N doesn't work with the latest versions of mp3DirectCut;
- Added a script to confirm that the selection has been canceled with 'Ctrl+r';
- Maked some correction in the code of the appModule 'mp3directcut.py'.
- Correction of the scripts giving the selection markers' locations.
- Removing the script giving the total time and adding this information to the script giving the elapsed time;
- Added the ability to enable or disable the announcements related to the space key in the module's configuration options, separately from other announcements;
- Added the ability to enable or disable the announcement of placement of the selection marqueures in the module's configuration options;
- Adding the announcement of the current part when moving through the cutting points;
- Correction of announcements related to vertical keys;
- Adding a script to open the help of the current add-on with 'NVDA+H';
- Displacement of the add-on's configuration menu from the Tools menu to the Preferences menu of NVDA.
- Adding a script to vocalize moving to the next splitting point with Control+Right Arrow;
- Adding a script to vocalize moving to the previous splitting point with Control+Left Arrow;
- Adding a script to vocalize the displacement of 4 hundredths of second ahead, with Shift+Right Arrow;
- Adding a script to vocalize the displacement of 4 hundredths of second back, with Shift+Left Arrow;
- Correction of the addon's summary from 'for mp3DirectCut' to 'mp3DirectCut'.
- Adding a script to know the remaining time with 'Control Shift R';
- Fixed reading durations including hours;
- Added ability to differentiate thousandths or hundredths of seconds.
- Added the ability to include the mp3DirectCut category into the Input Gestures; * They will be visible only during use of the mp3DirectCut software.
- Added the ability to enable or disable automatic messages, in the tools menu of NVDA, item 'mp3DirectCut configuration';
- Initial version.