An optional middle-ware layer for the nuodb node.js driver. The multiplexer allows the user to have a set of pools and define how connection requests are mapped between pools to optimize caching benefits of using multiple Transaction Engines with NuoDB.
git clone
cd node-multiplexer
npm i
The package can be cloned from github and installed by using the commands listed above. After that it can be imported like any other package.
"dependencies": {
The package can be installed automatically by npm through it's github repo. Put the above line in the dependencies field of your package.json file.
const ShardMultiplexer = require('node-multiplexer')
const connectionConfig = {
database: <your database name>,
hostname: <admin host>,
port: <admin port>,
user: <db user>,
password: <password>
const evenShardConfig = {
id: 0,
poolConfig: {
id: 0,
connectionConfig: {
LBQuery: `round_robin(first(label(shard 0)))`
const oddShardConfig = {
id: 1,
poolConfig: {
id: 1,
connectionConfig: {
LBQuery: `round_robin(first(label(shard 1)))`
const multiplexerConfig = {
shards: [evenShardConfig,oddShardConfig],
shardMapper: (id) => id % 2,
const multiplexer = new ShardMultiplexer(multiplexerConfig)
await multiplexer.init()
shards: Required. This is a list of config objects for shards to spin up on initialization. There is no limit to the size of the shards list. The shard config requires an id
which may be a string or a number, and a poolConfig
which is a config object for a nuodb connection pool. For more information about configuration objects for the nuodb connection pool, please visit the node.js nuodb driver.
shardMapper: Required. The shardMapper
is a function can take in any number of arguments, and should return either a string or a number. The return value of the shard mapper should correspond to the shard id. This function is invoked when making a call to the requestConnection
method of the multiplexer, and the return value is used to select a shard to request a connection from to return to the user.
poll: Optional. A function which will be executed at an interval. The only argument passed to the poll
function is the "this" argument, denoting the multiplexer instance executing the poll. The latest value returned from the poll
function can be read by accessing the pollResult
attribute of the multiplexer object.
pollInterval: Optional. An integer specifying the microseconds between execution of the poll function.
Note: poll and pollInterval should either both be set, or both be not set. If they are not set, then no polling function is executed. The polling function provides a convenient way for the user to poll the admin layer, or another API of the user's choice, for information which can be used to change the shardMapper, commission or decommission shards.
const connEven = await multiplexer.requestConnection(42)
const connOdd = await multiplexer.requestConnection(13)
Building on the example above, the argument to the requestConnection
method is determined by the arguments expected by the shardMappper
function. The return value of the shardMapper
function determines which shard/pool to retrieve a connection from. In this example when calling requestConnection
with the argument 42
, the shardMapper
function is called and returns a value of 0
. This return value will be used to pull a connection from the even shard, which has an id of 0. Likewise, when calling requestConnection
with the argument 13
the shardMapper
returns a value of 1
, and pulls a connection from the odd shard which has an id of 1.
await multiplexer.releaseConnection(connEven)
await multiplexer.releaseConnection(connOdd)
Building further on the example above, the method releaseConnection
is used to return a connection back to it's proper pool.
await multiplexer.decommissionShard(0)
await multiplexer.commissionShard(evenShardConfig)
Shards can be commissioned and decommissioned at will, as long as they have unique id
s. Here we are decomissioning the even shard via it's id
of 0
, and then commissioning it again using the same shard config.
It is possible to take advantage of the closures functionality of node.js to dynamically commission and decommission shards, and change the shardMapper
function from inside of the poll
function. In this way, it is possible to react to a changing domain to leverage the full capabilities of NuoDB by increasing the likelihood of getting a cache hit by redirecting traffic requesting similar data to the same set of TEs. For a more detailed example demonstrating this behavior, please refer to the examples folder.