Motivation behind creating this is too make the defining of the forms type safe, and to allow users to easily provide customizations.
export interface UserModel {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
address: Address;
export interface Address {
addressLine1: string;
city: string;
zip: string;
Create a strongly type safe builder for the model
const builder = new FormlyBuilder<UserModel>();
A field is the basic building block of defining fields.
This will simply create a field with the specified key. The key entered will be verified as a key in the model.
Define additional properties using withProps(...)
builder.field('firstName').withProps(label('First name'), fieldType('input'));
withProps(...) takes an array of operators that are used to build up the formly field definitions.
The ability to add multiple fields.
builder.withFields(builder => [
builder.field('firstName').withProps(label('First name'), fieldType('input')),
builder.field('lastName').withProps(label('Last name'), fieldType('input'))
The ability to specify a nested object with fields.'address')
.withFields(group => [
group.field('addressLine1').withProps(label('Address Line 1'), fieldType('input')),
group.field('city').withProps(label('City'), fieldType('input')),
group.field('zip').withProps(label('Zip'), fieldType('input')),
The ability to group fields together for the purpose of defining a layout.
.withProps(groupClassName('grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-6'))
.withFields(group => [
group.field('firstName').withProps(label('First name'), fieldType('input')),
group.field('lastName').withProps(label('Last name'), fieldType('input'))
The ability to inject custom html template into the layout.
builder.template('<div class="text-lg font-semibold my-3">Some heading</div>');
The output from the build method generates the FormlyFieldConfig
const fields =;
The operators provide this ability to FormlyFieldConfig during the form build process. Operators are composed together for the desired outcome
- label
- fieldType
- inputType
- min
- max
- minLength
- required
- defaultValue
- className
- groupClassName
- focusField
- hiddenField
- customProps
- expressionProps
- hideExpression
- fieldHooks ( onInitField, afterViewInitField, onDestroyField )
- validators
Provide the ability to compose your own operators together to reduce bloat.
export const emailField = () => pipe(
validators({ validation: ['email'] })
Or pass in custom parameters to enforce setting of values:
export const numberField = (decimalPlaces: number) => pipe(
customProps({ decimalPlaces: decimalPlaces })