GCE is an actor model implementation featuring lightweight & fast actor implementations, type matching for messages, network transparent messaging, and more.
- Lightweight, fast and efficient actor implementations
- Network transparent messaging
- Error handling based on Erlang’s failure model
- Type matching for messages
- Copy-on-write messages
- Thread-base and on-the-fly coroutine-base actors, "Write async code like sync"
- Seamless cooperate with Boost.Asio
- Lightweight cluster support
- git clone git://github.com/nousxiong/gce.git
- svn checkout https://github.com/nousxiong/gce/trunk
- CMake 2.8 and newer
- Boost 1.55.0 and newer
Need build sub librares:
- Boost.Atomic
- Boost.Coroutine
- Boost.Context
- Boost.System
- Boost.Regex
- Boost.DateTime
- Boost.Timer
- Boost.Chrono
- Boost.Thread
Please build boost with stage mode (for example: b2 ... stage)
- GCC >= 4.6
- VC >= 9.0 (sp1)
- (cd to your gce sources root dir)
- cd ..
- mkdir gce_build
- cd gce_build
- cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBOOST_ROOT=your_boost_root_dir -DSUB_LIBRARYS="actor amsg" ../gce
- make
- Optional: make install (if set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when run cmake, for example: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install)
- (on cmd console, cd to your gce sources root dir)
- cd ..
- mkdir gce_build
- cd gce_build
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" -DBOOST_ROOT=your_boost_root_dir -DSUB_LIBRARYS="actor amsg" ..\gce
- (open generated vc sln, and build ALL_BUILD project)
- Optional: (build INSTALL project)(if set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when run cmake, for example: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\install)
#include <gce/actor/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void mirror(gce::actor<gce::stackful>& self)
/// wait for messages
gce::message msg;
gce::aid_t sender = self.recv(msg);
std::string what;
msg >> what;
/// prints "Hello World!"
std::cout << what << std::endl;
/// replies "!dlroW olleH"
gce::message m;
m << std::string(what.rbegin(), what.rend());
self.reply(sender, m);
int main()
/// everything begin here
gce::context ctx;
/// create a hello_world actor, using thread-base actor
gce::actor<gce::threaded> hello_world = gce::spawn(ctx);
/// create a new actor that calls ’mirror(gce::self_t)’, using coroutine-base actor
gce::aid_t mirror_actor = gce::spawn(hello_world, boost::bind(&mirror, _1));
/// send "Hello World!" to mirror
gce::message m;
m << std::string("Hello World!");
gce::response_t res = hello_world.request(mirror_actor, m);
/// ... and wait for a response
gce::message msg;
hello_world.recv(res, msg);
std::string reply_str;
msg >> reply_str;
/// prints "!dlroW olleH"
std::cout << reply_str << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <gce/actor/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>
void echo(gce::actor<gce::stackful>& self)
/// wait for "start" message.
/// if and only if after fetch "start", then others
gce::recv(self, gce::atom("start"));
std::cout << "start!" << std::endl;
/// handle other messages
gce::message msg;
gce::aid_t sender = self.recv(msg);
std::cout << "recv message: " << gce::atom(msg.get_type()) << std::endl;
/// reply
gce::send(self, sender);
int main()
gce::context ctx;
gce::actor<gce::threaded> base = gce::spawn(ctx);
gce::aid_t echo_actor = gce::spawn(base, boost::bind(&echo, _1));
/// send "hi" message to echo
gce::send(base, echo_actor, gce::atom("hi"));
/// send "start" message to echo, after "hi" message
gce::send(base, echo_actor, gce::atom("start"));
/// ... and wait for a response
return 0;
#include <gce/actor/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>
void quiter(gce::actor<gce::stackful>& self)
/// wait for gce::exit from link actor
void link(gce::actor<gce::stackful>& self)
/// create 10 actor and link with them
for (std::size_t i=0; i<10; ++i)
gce::spawn(self, boost::bind(&quiter, _1), gce::linked);
/// quit, will send 10 gce::exit to quiter actors
/// and 1 gce::exit to base actor(in main)
int main()
gce::context ctx;
gce::actor<gce::threaded> base = gce::spawn(ctx);
/// create a link actor and monitor it.
gce::spawn(base, boost::bind(&link, _1), gce::monitored);
/// wait for gce::exit message
std::cout << "end" << std::endl;
return 0;
- Auther: ketoo
- GitHub: https://github.com/ketoo/NoahGameFrame
- Description: NF is a lightweight, fast, scalable, distributed plugin framework.Greatly inspired by OGRE and Bigworld.
- Auther: zsummer
- Github: https://github.com/zsummer/breeze
- Description:A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++
- gce::mixin_t change to gce::actorgce::threaded
- gce::self_t change to gce::actorgce::stackful
- gce::slice_t change to gce::actorgce::nonblocked
- add new type actor: gce::actorgce::stackless