Simple Finite State Machine implementation in Python 3.
pip install git+
from pyfsm import FSM
# Initialise
fsm = FSM(initial='new', transitions=[
{'name': 'age', 'src': 'new', 'dst': 'old'},
{'name': 'renew', 'src': 'old', 'dst': 'new'},
{'name': 'expire', 'src': 'old', 'dst': 'expired'},
# Get current state
print(fsm.current) # new
# Apply transition
print(fsm.current) # old
fsm.apply('age') # Raises FSMError if the transition can not be applied
# Check whether a transition can be applied
print(fsm.current) # expired
print(fsm.can('renew')) # False
python -m unittest tests
- Identify final state.
- Add callbacks.
- Allow passing arguments when applying transitions.
- Print transitions/states graph.
- Record transitions history.