Demonstrates how to setup TensorFlow for artistic style transfer
Building the app should be straight-forward by opening the project in Android Studio or running ./gradlew assembleDebug
on the command line. Android SDK must be installed properly.
- Original Paper: "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style", Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge, 2015
- What Does A.I. Have To Do With This Selfie? - YouTube video explaining the theory behind
- Google Magenta Multistyle Pastiche Generator
- Tensorflow Mobile (Anroid, iOS)
- Installing Tensorflow
- Tensorflow for poets 1 - Great introduction on how to use tensorflow on mobile and how to optimize models for mobile use.
- Tensorflow for poets 2 - More mobile application tipps & tricks
- Logan Lengström's fast style transfer This is the one I ended up using since setting up the training was easy and the results great. It was also used to create the style.pb in this demo.
- Google's Magenta Model (allows mixing of styles): GitHub, blog post and Google Code Lab
- neural-style has an implementation that allows tweaking of the result by specifying more parameters for the training process, like color-preserving or chaning the level of how abstract the result gets