Here's a quick and dirty implementation of the ICalculatorService as per MSDN.
This demonstrates the use of WCF Sessions
Build both the service and client projects
Start the Service under the debugger (the Debug.WriteLines show a lot about how the server keeps state). Tracking the ThreadId would also be useful.
Start one or more instances of the client without the debugger
Ideally you should Initiate the session with "Clear" and then use the +,-,* and / operations with the input textbox, before finally hitting the = for the result (which terminates the session).
Fiddle around to see the errors if the methods aren't called the contracted sequences.
You can also launch multiple clients - you can see how the service tracks (I've logged the session ID in the Debug.trace) The server also keeps track of the interim calculator register 'subtotal' along the way for each session.