A Design System / Component Library Template for enabling graphic consistency and legibility across web development projects by creating reusable components and styles with accessible & legible documentation. Built with React 16 and Semantic UI React. Package Management via Yarn. Lint and Beautification handled by ESLint, Prettier, and Airbnb Config. Unit Testing executed by Jest with Enzyme. Continuous Integration & Deployment with Travis-CI and Github, but can easily be swapped out for any CI/CD system you require.
- React React makes it painless to create interactive, scale-able UIs.
- Semantic UI React User Interface is the language of the web.
- Video-React The web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world using React library.
- Airbnb/rheostat Rheostat is a www, mobile, and accessible slider component built with React.
- Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
- Yarn Fast, reliable and secure dependency management.
yarn add enterprise-react-components
- Install package from private NPM Registry
Import Button component:
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Button } from 'enterprise-react-components'; export default class App extends Component { render() { return ( <Button /> ) }
yarn start
- Install dependencies, run lint, run verbose tests, and deploy development server.yarn run build
- Install dependencies, run lint, run silent tests, and create production bundleyarn run storybook
- Build and deploy Storybook
- Install NVM (Optional)
- Install Node 8
- Install YarnPKG
- Install Git and run these commands to configure it:
> git config --global user.name "{FULL_NAME}"
> git config --global user.email {EMAIL}
> git config --global core.autocrlf false
.- Refer to Advanced Git Configuration for additional information
- Setup SSH
- Clone Repository
git clone git@github.com:nolindnaidoo/enterprise-react-components.git
- Setup & Publish NPM Registry
The Git Feature Branch Workflow is a composable workflow that can be leveraged by other high-level Git workflows. This project utilizes the Github Flow, which allows for fast-paced and high-quality parallel development.
- Create the branch. Make sure it begins with the
prefix. - Add commits
- Open a Pull Request
- Review & Collaborate changes
- Deploy and Test
- Merge
A best practice is to perform merging when the working tree is clean. Use caution, first commit any unfinished work still desired, or reset the Git working tree. Choose > git stash
and save the working tree until ready. Alternatively, reset the working tree. > git reset --hard
Staying up-to-date with the latest from main
is beneficial to parallel development. Remote main
represents the most stable and approved iteration of the product. In Parallel Development, updates to main
may affect current implementation. Work with the latest from main
by merging the latest from main
into feature/{name}
as frequently as possible, but only when necessary.
> git reset --hard
or> git stash
> git checkout main
> git pull
> git checkout "feature/{name}"
> git merge main
- No Conflicts: Auto-merge Successful
- Conflicts: Resolve Conflicts and run:
> git add .
> git commit -m "merge main, resolved conflicts"
> git push
- Make sure your feature branch is not behind the main. You can view it from the Branch Status view in the Behind/Ahead column.
- Verify that your feature branch builds successfully on TravisCI.
- Check your coverage against main. The Feature Branch should be greater than or equal to the main.
- Resolve or reply to all Pull Request comments.
- Use the Merge button on the Pull Request to merge back to main.
- Once the test is successful and no further changes are needed for sign off delete the original feature branch.
- Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
- EnzymeComponent is a JavaScript testing utility for React.
The following links provide enhanced awareness throughout the Agile SDLC process. Save as bookmarks for rapid development.
Enterprise React Components uses Airbnb ESLint rules for lint/syntax errors, along with Prettier for automated formatting and lint error fixing.
- class-methods-use-this is not always needed in lifecycle/render methods.
- react/no-unescaped-entities prevents characters that were meant as JSX escape characters.
- react/jsx-filename-extension forces .js as the extension for files with JSX.
- react/no-unused-prop-types fixes a bug when using
. - react/require-default-props was allowed to be undefined early on.
Take advantage of advanced workflow features by using supported IDE's with the appropriate plugins.
- Install Atom
- Install Packages
- atom-css-clean
- autoclose-html
- autocomplete-json
- autocomplete-modules
- busy-signal
- file-icons
- highlight-selected
- html-escaper
- intentions
- language-babel
- linter
- linter-eslint
- linter-htmlhint
- linter-ui-default
- markdown-preview-enhanced
- pigments
- prettier-atom
- sort-lines
- terminal-panel-uoa
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Packages
- christian-kohler.path-intellisense
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- donjayamanne.githistory
- emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- formulahendry.auto-close-tag
- vstirbu.vscode-mermaid-preview
- wayou.vscode-todo-highlight
- zhuangtongfa.Material-theme