Pureship is a set of 3 themes for Liquid Prompt.
All of them are emulating the design of other prompt systems, namely Starship (and Spaceship, which share the same design), and Pure.
Spaceship, Starship and Pure all follow the same design principles, so they all look very similar: that is a two-line prompt, with foreground-colored sections, separated by preposition words.
The starship theme only includes features that have a counterpart in Liquid Prompt.
Whether the liquidship integrates the additional features of Liquid Prompt, plus some changes to have a better (IMHO) ergonomy.
The pure theme is almost complete, given that pure targets a very limited subset of features.
Just download this repository somewhere, source the chosen theme file and activate it, all from your shell configuration file.
For example (just use ~/.zshrc
instead of ~/.bashrc
, if you use Zsh and not Bash):
git clone https://github.com/nojhan/lp-neon.git
echo '# Use Liquid Prompt only if in an interactive shell
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
# Use Liquid Prompt
source ~/.liquidprompt
# Select the right file below, depending on the theme you want:
if [[ -f ~/lp-pureship/liquidship.theme ]] ; then
source ~/lp-pureship/liquidship.theme && lp_theme liquidship
fi' >> ~/.bashrc
All of those themes are two lines, with the majority of information on the top one, and sections separated by proposition words. They are thus quite close to the Liquid Prompt default theme. The main differences are that *ship themes heavily rely on icons and tends to be designed as a sequence of icon-name sections. Liquid Prompt is rather designed as an integrated set of information, and thus tends to be more compact (and have a better user experience, IMHO).
One of the main difference also rely on the fact that *ship prompts are themed through a domain-specific descriptive language (using a dialect of JSON), whether Liquid Prompt allows for using sections tags within a Turing-complete language (the Shell).
Concretely, Liquid Prompt allow for far more degrees of freedom in theming. You can easily see the result by browsing the diverse set of Liquid Prompt's themes, against the very homogeneous Starship ones.
Globally, *ship prompts thus tend to be just a sequenced collection of information. They also tend to not pay much attention to the location of their sections, hence having semantically close information (for instance, containers configuration), spread everywhere.
They also display minor information on the second ("prompt") line, and important one on the top line, which does not help the user notice important stuff fast. The liquidship theme tries to correct this kind of ergonomic errors (to some extent), while keeping the *ship global design approach.
If there is nothing special about the current context:
If you are running some command in a Git repository:
When Liquid Prompt is displaying a lot of things, it may look like this:
If there is nothing special about the current context:
If you are running some command in a Git repository:
When Liquid Prompt is displaying a lot of things, it may look like this:
If there is nothing special about the current context:
If you are running some command in a Git repository:
When Liquid Prompt is displaying a lot of things, it may look like this: