Social directives for Pelican static blog generator.
Easy linking to social networks content through simple inline directives.
pelican-social is compatible with Pelican 3.3+ and Python 2.7.
Install the plugin via pip
~$ pip install pelican-social
To load the plugin, you have to add it in your settings file.
Once loaded you have access to social rst directives.
Each directive can be called in two forms:
:network:`Displayed text <target>`
As much as possible, the directive give a secure (https
) link.
You can use both :twitter:
and :tw:
directives to link to a Twitter profile,
they are equivalent.
Using an @
in username will only change the displayed username
if a custom display is not specified.
:twitter:`User <username>`
:twitter:`User <@username>`
will result in:
<a href="">username</a>
<a href="">@username</a>
<a href="">User</a>
<a href="">User</a>
Google+ is tricky with usernames.
If you are famous and lucky you can have a custom username in +MyUser
If not you will have a 21 digits identifier.
:gplus:`User <username>`
will result in:
<a href="">username</a>
<a href="">User</a>
You can use both :github:
and :gh:
directive to link
to github profiles, repositories and issues/pull-requests
(github will autmatically redirect you to the pull-request if one is associated with the issue).
The following form are accepted:
Target | Expected target form |
profile | username |
repository | username/repository |
issue/pull-request | username/repository#issue |
:github:`User <username>`
:github:`Repository <username/repository>`
:github:`Issue #2 <username/repository#2>`
will result in:
<a href="">username</a>
<a href="">User</a>
<a href="">repository</a>
<a href="">Repository</a>
<a href="">#2</a>
<a href="">Issue #2</a>
You can use both :facebook:
and :fb:
directives to link to a Facebook profile,
they are equivalent.
:facebook:`User <username>`
will result in:
<a href="">User</a>
<a href="">username</a>