NodeSchool Oulu 🏫👮
Welcome to the NodeSchool Oulu chapter's repository. We use this repository for our website and almost all our communication.
- Check out our next events on
- Website
- Slack team – come chat with us!
- Code of conduct
Here are the workshoppers we have been through during past events.
Lesson | Description |
javascripting |
Learn the basics of JavaScript. No previous programming experience required. |
learnyounode |
Learn the basics of node: asynchronous i/o, http. |
elementary-electron |
NodeSchool workshop for learning Electron. |
- Oulu Web Development Meetup
- Rails Girls Oulu
- ClojureBridge Oulu
- Sideproject Oulu
- Frontend Friday
- Ruby Sauna
The website is just basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It runs on GitHub Pages.
Here are useful commands:
# Get a local copy of the repository with the site in it.
git clone
cd oulu
# Install the website's development dependencies.
npm install
# Run the site locally. Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
npm run start
# Test the site before pushing
npm run test:site
- Node and npm
- Text editor
- Terminal app
- Command-line knowledge
- Programming knowledge
- JavaScript knowledge