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lspdlog - Lazy spdlog


A simple wrapper package to enable cool logging for your project. This package is nothing but a tiny hackish wrapper around spdlog logging library. It has no other aim than enabling a bunch of macros to ease logging for your project. Currently only support C++.

For a more customizable logging please refer directly to spdlog wiki.


All credits go to Gabi Melman and spdlog contributors, for this super fast C++ logging library. Forked from lspdlog, because it was not maintained and still using the old version of spdlog, hence this project reuse the aformentioned over-engineered original lspdlog and make it useful again.


  • c++11 or above compiler
  • cmake


  1. Simply clone this package as the submodule in your project directory:
$ cd /path/project/directory/
$ git submodule add
$ cd lspdlog
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Unleash the logger in CMakeLists.txt:
project(my_project)           #<-- necessary to set console name
option(${PROJECT_NAME}_LSPDLOG_ENABLE_TRACE_LOGGING "Enable trace logging." OFF)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
add_executable(my_project my_project.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_project ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
  1. Build the project.

  2. Voila! that's all.

Logging Levels

This package defines automatically the following macros:


Debug Mode

To enable debugging, simply set Debug for the CMAKE project

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

Runtime Debugging

Besides, the debug mode can easily be activated during runtime, by suplying option LSPDLOG_RUNTIME_DEBUG and set to ON

option(LSPDLOG_RUNTIME_DEBUG "Enable runtime debug mode." ON)

Trace Mode

In addition, one advance feature in debugging is trace logging, that can show more details function and files that calls the trace logger. Simply, make sure the option in enabled as shown below:

option(LSPDLOG_ENABLE_TRACE_LOGGING "Enable trace logging." ON)

Debug and Trace Usage

Debug and Trace log messages will be displayed on the console.

MY_PROJECT_TRACE(...); // can be turned off as shown in example

Change Mode during Runtime

This feature only available in Debug mode and Runtime Debug mode. The user can easily switch on / off trace and debug modes during runtime.

MY_PROJECT_DEBUG_ON(); // enable debug level
MY_PROJECT_TRACE_ON(); // enable trace level
MY_PROJECT_TRACE_OFF(); // disable trace level
MY_PROJECT_DEBUG_OFF(); // disable debug level

Usage Example

Given your project CMakeLists.txt:


# Set 'ON' to enable 'TRACE' macro.
option(LSPDLOG_ENABLE_TRACE_LOGGING "Enable trace logging." OFF)
option(LSPDLOG_RUNTIME_DEBUG "Enable debug switcher runtime." OFF)

find_package(Threads REQUIRED)                         #<-- necessary

# lspdlog & spdlog require c++11                       #<-- necessary and
#set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")  #<-- automatically set


add_subdirectory(lspdlog)                    #<-- necessary
include_directories(${${PROJECT_NAME}_LSPDLOG_INCLUDE_DIRS}) #<-- necessary

add_executable(my_project my_project.cpp)
add_dependencies(my_project spdlog) #<-- necessary, waits for downloading spdlog
target_link_libraries(my_project ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})  #<-- necessary

and your main file my_project.cpp:

#include <my_project/logging.hpp> // my_project must in lower case

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello world." << std::endl;

  MY_PROJECT_INFO("Yep ", "that is");
  MY_PROJECT_WARN("way\t", 2);
  MY_PROJECT_DEBUG("(I meant 'too')");
  MY_PROJECT_TRACE("lemon squeezy");

  return 0;

the following gets printed in your terminal:

Hello world.
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.440903867] [info] [my_project] Yep that is
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441016740] [warning] [my_project] way   2
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441020164] [debug] [my_project] (I meant 'too')
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441038220] [error] [my_project] easy
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441040957] [critical] [my_project] peasy
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441053625] [trace] [my_project] [main.cpp, ln.14 : main()] lemon squeezy

Now if we re-compile in release:

Hello world.
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.440903867] [info] [my_project] Yep that is
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441016740] [warning] [my_project] way   2
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441038220] [error] [my_project] easy
[2019-07-16 10:56:44.441040957] [critical] [my_project] peasy


  • trace macro
  • critical macro
  • runtime mode changer
  • fix formatter
  • enable more customization


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  • CMake 100.0%