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Creating New Dashboard Widgets

Hiroyasu Nishiyama edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 8 revisions

API for Defining New Dashboard Widgets

In the past, Node-RED Dashboard module did not allow for installing user defined widget nodes. Version 2.10.0 now provides a mechanism for creating installable widget nodes. This opens the way for the community to create a richer set of graphical user interface nodes.

A good example of a simple list widget to copy from can be found here -

Creating a Widget Node

The basic node code (HTML, JavaScript, package.json, …) structure that is needed to define a Widget Node is the same as the one for normal node definitions as described in the Node-RED documentation.

When naming, please try to stick to the Node-RED conventions, e.g. : node-red-contrib-ui-{your-widget-name}

Widget Definition API

Dashboard module (node-red-dashboard) exposes an API for defining new widgets.
In order to use the API for a new widget node, the node must load node-red-dashboard module.
The dashboard module should be loaded using RED.require runtime API instead of standard require call in the node initialization. The RED.require is needed to resolve problems possibility of loading incompatible node-red-dashboard modules.

API for Widget Definition

To support new widgets, the following runtime API is exported from the Node-RED Dashboard module:

  • addWidget(options)

    options is an JavaScript object that can contain the following properties:

    # name[* - optional] description
    1 node* controlling node.
    optional if scope is "global".
    2 format HTML code of widget.
    Accepts HTML same as one for Template Dashboard widget node.
    3 group* group node object to which widget belongs
    4 width* width of widget
    5 height* height of widget
    6 templateScope scope of widget ("global" or "local")
    7 emitOnlyNewValues* send message if changed
    8 forwardInputMessages* forward input messages to output
    9 storeFrontEndInputAsState* store received message
    10 convert* callback to convert value to front-end
    11 beforeEmit* callback to prepare message
    12 convertBack* callback to convert sent message
    13 beforeSend* callback to prepare message
    14 order order in group
    15 initController* callback to initialize in controller

    addWidget returns a callback that should be called on close of controlling node. Node that callback function specified by initController is executed in client side. Thus, it can not refer variables outside function scope.

    Typical Node Code Structure

    HTML code

Calendar Widget

  • HTML fragment for Node setting UI:

    defines following default parameters

    • group: belonging group
    • size: size of widget
    • name: name of widget
    <script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="ui_cal">
        <div class="form-row" id="template-row-group">
           <label for="node-input-group"><i class="fa fa-table"></i> Group</label>
           <input type="text" id="node-input-group">
        <div class="form-row" id="template-row-size">
            <label><i class="fa fa-object-group"></i> Size</label>
            <input type="hidden" id="node-input-width">
            <input type="hidden" id="node-input-height">
            <button class="editor-button" id="node-input-size"></button>
        <div class="form-row">
            <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label>
            <input type="text" id="node-input-name">
  • Info text:

    <script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="ui_cal">
        <p>Sample Widget - appears in the Info tab on the right</p>
  • Type Initialization

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function mk_conf(NAME) {
            var ICON = "icon.png";
            var conf = {
                category: 'dashboard',
                color: 'rgb( 63, 173, 181)',
                defaults: {
                    group: {type: 'ui_group', required:false},
                    name: {value: ''},
                    order: {value: 0},
                    width: {
                        value: 0,
                        validate: function(v) {
                            var valid = true
                            var width = v||0;
                            var currentGroup = $('#node-input-group').val()||;
                            var groupNode = RED.nodes.node(currentGroup);
                            valid = !groupNode || +width <= +groupNode.width;
                            return valid;
                    height: {value: 0}
                icon: ICON,
                paletteLabel: NAME,
                label: function() { return || NAME; },
                oneditprepare: function() {
                        width: "#node-input-width",
                        height: "#node-input-height",
                        group: "#node-input-group"
                oneditsave: function() {
                oneditresize: function(size) {
            return conf;
        RED.nodes.registerType('ui_cal', mk_conf('cal'));

    Use ui_group for configuring belonging group, and elementSizer for configuring widget size.

JavaScript code

  • load Dashboard module using RED.require runtime API.
  • call addWidget API in order to define widget.
module.exports = function(RED) {
    // define HTML code
    var HTML = String.raw`

    var ui = undefined;
    function CalNode(config) {
        try {
            var node = this;
            if(ui === undefined) {
                // load Dashboard API
                ui = RED.require("node-red-dashboard")(RED);
            RED.nodes.createNode(this, config);
            // create new widget
            var done = ui.addWidget({
                node: node,
                format: HTML,
                templateScope: "local",
                emitOnlyNewValues: false,
                forwardInputMessages: false,
                storeFrontEndInputAsState: false,
                convertBack: function (value) {
                    return value;
                // needs beforeSend to message contents to be sent back to runtime 
                beforeSend: function (msg, orig) {
                    if (orig) {
                        return orig.msg;
                // initialize angular scope object
                initController: function($scope, events) {
                    $scope.value = false;
                    $ = function (val) {
                        $scope.send({payload: val});
        catch (e) {
        node.on("close", done);
    RED.nodes.registerType('ui_cal', CalNode);