Documentation for the actual design
- IN:
- IN[0]: clock
- IN[1]: reset
- IN[2]: instruction[0]
- IN[3]: instruction[1]
- IN[4]: DATA[0]
- IN[5]: DATA[1]
- IN[6]: DATA[2]
- IN[7]: DATA[3]
- OUT:
- OUT[0]: program counter[0]
- OUT[1]: program counter[1]
- OUT[2]: program counter[2]
- OUT[3]: program counter[3]
- OUT[4]: register value[0]
- OUT[5]: register value[1]
- OUT[6]: register value[2]
- OUT[7]: register value[3]
LOADPROG = 2'd0, //loads a program into the program "file" using IN[7:4]
LOADDATA = 2'd1, //loads data into the data "file" using IN[7:4]
SETRUNPT = 2'd2, //designed to be used right before run, but can also be used to input additional data i guess
RUNPROG = 2'd3 //run the program
LOAD = 4'd0, //loads a value from data file into register
STORE = 4'd1, //stores value from register to data file
ADD = 4'd2, //adds datac to register value
MUL = 4'd3, //multiples register value by datac
SUB = 4'd4, //subtracts datac from register value
SHIFTL = 4'd5, //shifts register value left by datac
SHIFTR = 4'd6, //shifts register value right by datac
JUMPTOIF = 4'd7, //jumps pc to data[value] if io_in[7] is a 1, else
//does nothing
LOGICAND = 4'd8,
//logical and between register value and datac
LOGICOR = 4'd9,
//logical or between register value and datac
EQUALS = 4'd10,
//equality check between register value and datac
NEQ = 4'd11,
//inequality check between register value and datac
BITAND = 4'd12,
//bitwise and between register value and datac
BITOR = 4'd13,
//bitwise or between register value and datac
LOGICNOT = 4'd14,
//logical not on register value
BITNOT = 4'd15
//bitwise not on register value
TinyTapeout is an educational project that aims to make it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital designs manufactured on a real chip!
Go to for instructions!
Edit the info.yaml and change the wokwi_id to match your project.
Please see the instructions for:
When you edit the info.yaml to choose a different ID, the GitHub Action will fetch the digital netlist of your design from Wokwi.
After that, the action uses the open source ASIC tool called OpenLane to build the files needed to fabricate an ASIC.
- Share your GDS on Twitter, tag it #tinytapeout and link me!