This Project is an individual project in the association of Masai School during the contruct week of unit-4 under the course Java Comprehensive with course code JA-111 under the instructions of IA Manager : Mr. Rahul Singh
Description: What is StockBroker System; A Stockbroker has a wide range of responsibilities based on their clients and accounts. Typically, they are responsible for keeping track of changes in the financial markets and executing buys or selling stocks when they receive them.
In this Project I have developed a stock broker system which has following Users: A. Admin B. User
Admin: Admin is person who organizes and can manage the backend and frontend of the application. These are the following functionalities respect to admin:
- Login
- Add Stocks
- View All Stocks
- Delete Stock
- Update Stock
- View All Customers
- View All Transactions
- Logout
User: User is a customer who can use the application with the following functionalities.
- Register
- Login
- View the stocks available to buy
- Buy stock
- Sell stock
- Add money to wallet
- Withdraw money to wallet
- View personal profile
- View personal transactions
- Logout
Basic Flow of the application:
Tech Stacks Used:
- Java
How to install and run the project: Installation : Clone the Project from github repo link: https://github.com/nmohammednawaz/full-purpose-7427.git
How to Run:
- Install Java Development Tool Kit
- Open cloned folder into it
- Run as java application.