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docs: readme #34, add troubleshooting, more example explanation
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k-doering-NOAA committed Sep 3, 2020
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## An SSMSE toy example
## Troubleshooting Installation

Here are some tips:

- Make sure you are using the development branch versions of R packages `r4ss` and `ss3sim`. These can be installed separately using `remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss", ref = "development")` and `remotes::install_github("ss3sim/ss3sim", ref = "development")`.
- If R asks "Would you like to download from sources that need compilation?", select "no", as the older compiled versions should work fine.
- If R asks which packages you would like to update, select "none." Although it is good to update to keep packages current, install can sometimes be frustrating when updating many packages and skipping this step can eliminate issues in the short term.
- If running into an error during install, try closing out all R sessions open (e.g., other R GUI or R studio windows), restarting the R session and trying `remotes::install_github("nmfs-fish-tools/SSMSE")` again.
- If still running into an error during install, and it seems to be a problem installing a particular package, try restarting the R session, using `install.packages()` to download the package that caused the error, restarting the R session, and trying `remotes::install_github("nmfs-fish-tools/SSMSE")` again. This step may need to be done several times for different R packages.

Still having trouble installing SSMSE? Please don't hesitate to open an [issue](

## An SSMSE example

Suppose we want to look at 2 scenarios, one where Steepness (H) is specified correctly and one where it is specified incorrectly in an estimation model (EM):

1. **H-ctl**: Cod operating model (H = 0.65) with correctly specified cod model EM (fixed H = 0.65)
2. **H-1**: Cod operating model (OM; H = 1) with misspecified cod model EM (fixed H = 0.65)

Note that this is a toy example and not a true MSE, so the OM and EM structures for both scenarios are identical, except for different steepness between the OM and EM in scenario 2. We will assume we want to run the MSE loop for 6 years, with a stock assessment occuring every 3 years. The cod model's last year is 100, so the OM is initially conditioned through year 100. Then, after conditioning the operating model through year 100, assessments will occur in years 100, 103, and 106. Note that the assessment run in year 106 will generate future catch for years 107, 108, and 109, but the future catch values are not input into the operating model because the MSE loop is specified to only run through year 106).
Note that this is a simple example and not a true MSE, so the OM and EM structures for both scenarios are identical, except for different steepness between the OM and EM in scenario 2. We will assume we want to run the MSE loop for 6 years, with a stock assessment occuring every 3 years (and forecasting catch to maintain 40% of unfished spawning stock biomass). The cod model's last year is 100, so the OM is initially conditioned through year 100. Then, after conditioning the operating model through year 100, assessments will occur in years 100, 103, and 106. Note that the assessment run in year 106 will generate future catch for years 107, 108, and 109, but the future catch values are not input into the operating model because the MSE loop is specified to only run through year 106).

### Setup R workspace folders
First, we will load the `SSMSE` package and create a folder in which to run the example:
```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide"}
devtools::load_all(".") # for rendering this readme when it is in the SSMSE pkg
library(foreach) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
library(doParallel) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
```{r, eval=FALSE}
library(SSMSE) #load the package
library(r4ss) #install using remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@development)
library(foreach) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
library(doParallel) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide"}
devtools::load_all(".") # for rendering this readme when it is in the SSMSE pkg
library(foreach) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
library(doParallel) #if using run_parallel = TRUE
# Create a folder for the output in the working directory.
run_SSMSE_dir <- file.path("run_SSMSE-ex")
### Create the operating models (OMs)

The cod model with H = 0.65 is included as external package data. However, we will need to modify it to use as an operating model with H = 1.
The cod model with H = 0.65 (as in scenario 1) is included as external package data in SSMSE. However, we will need to modify it to use as an operating model with H = 1 (as in scenario 2).
cod_mod_path <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", package = "SSMSE")
# copy to a new location:
Expand All @@ -95,15 +110,15 @@ start$init_values_src # verify reading from the control file
# change the steepness from 0.2 to 0.1 in the control files
r4ss::SS_changepars(dir = cod_1_path, ctlfile = "control.ss_new",
newctlfile = "", strings = "SR_BH_steep", newvals = 1)
# read in the par file to save the historic recruitment deviations:
parfile <- r4ss::SS_readpar_3.30(parfile = file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par"),
datsource = file.path(cod_1_path, "ss3.dat"),
ctlsource = file.path(cod_1_path, "control.ss_new"),
verbose = FALSE)
# remove files with old steepness values
file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "control.ss_new"))
file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, ""))
file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par")) # delete control file because no longer need.
# rename file to control.ss_new () and make a copy as the control file
file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par"))
file.rename(from = file.path(cod_1_path, ""),
to = file.path(cod_1_path, ""))
Expand All @@ -122,17 +137,52 @@ new_parfile <- r4ss::SS_readpar_3.30(parfile = file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par"),
new_parfile$recdev1[, "recdev"] <- parfile$recdev1[, "recdev"]
r4ss::SS_writepar_3.30(new_parfile, outfile = file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par"),
verbose = FALSE)
### Examine the management procedure used

We will use the same management procedure for both scenarios:

1. Conduct a stock assessment every 3 years to get stock status.
2. Forecast from this stock assessment using the SS forecast file to get future catch.
3. Put this forecasted catch (without implementation error, in the case of this example) back into the OM. Extend the OM forward in time to get the true values for the population.

We will now take a look at step 2 in the management procedure, which is implemented using the forecasting module in SS. We will examine the forecast file for the estimation model to better understand how catches will be forecasted from the assessment. We will use the same management procedure in both of these scenarios, although for a full MSE analysis, it is likely that multiple management procedures would be compared.

fore <- r4ss::SS_readforecast(
system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", "", package = "SSMSE"),
verbose = FALSE)
`fore$Forecast = 3` means our forecasts from the assessment will use the F to achieve a relative (to unfished) spawning stock biomass. Based on `fore$Btarget`, the relative biiomass target is 40% of unfished spawning stock biomass. Note also that the control rule `fore$BforconstantF` and `fore$BfornoF` values are set low to make it unlikely that they will be used:

Futhermore, `fore$Flimitfraction` is set to 1 so that the forecasted catch is set equal to the overfishing limit (for simplicity):
Note that the number of forecast years is 1:
However, an assessment will be conducted every 3 years and 3 years of forecasting is required. SSMSE will modify this value to the appropriate number of forecasting years.

More information on using the forecast module in SS to forecast catches is available in the [Stock Synthesis users manual](

### Adding observation error: Specify how to sample data from the Operating model
The argument `sample_struct` specifies the structure for sampling from the OM (and passing to the EM). The function `create_sample_struct` can be used to construct a simple sampling structure consistent with an input data file:

EM_datfile <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", "ss3.dat", package = "SSMSE")
sample_struct <- create_sample_struct(dat = EM_datfile, nyrs = 6) # note warning
datfile <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", "ss3.dat", package = "SSMSE")
sample_struct <- create_sample_struct(dat = datfile, nyrs = 6) # note warning
The sample structure specifies that catch will be added to the estimation model every year (years 101 to 106), but an index of abundance (i.e., CPUE) and age composition (i.e., agecomp) will only be added in year 105. The user could modify this sampling strategy (for example, maybe age composition should also be sampled from FltSvy 2 in Yr 102; the user could add another line to the dataframe in `sample_struct$agecomp`).
The sample structure specifies that catch will be added to the estimation model every year (years 101 to 106), but an index of abundance (i.e., CPUE) and age composition (i.e., agecomp) will only be added in year 105. We will use the same sampling scheme for both scenarios, but it is possible to specify different sampling for each scenario. The user could modify this sampling strategy (for example, maybe age composition should also be sampled from FltSvy 2 in Yr 102; the user could add another line to the dataframe in `sample_struct$agecomp`).

Note that length comp (lencomp) includes an `NA` value for year. This is because
no consistent pattern was identified, so the user must define their own input.
Expand All @@ -146,7 +196,13 @@ The same sampling structure will be used for both scenarios:
sample_struct_list <- list("H-ctl" = sample_struct, "H-1" = sample_struct)
We can now use `run_SSMSE` to run the MSE analysis loop:
### Adding process error through recruitment devitations

Process error can be added through the recruitment deviations. In this case, `rec_dev_pattern = "rand"` in the call to `run_SSMSE` is used to use random recruitment deviations with the same standard deviation as the historical recruitment deviation pattern. Set `scope = 2` so that the same recruitment deviation patterns are used across scenarios, but different patterns are use across iterations in the same scenario.

### Run SSMSE

Now, use `run_SSMSE` to run the MSE analysis loop (note this will take some time to run, ~ 20 min):

```{r, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
run_res_path <- file.path(run_SSMSE_dir, "results")
Expand All @@ -161,14 +217,18 @@ run_SSMSE(scen_name_vec = c("H-ctl", "H-1"),# name of the scenario
use_SS_boot_vec = c(TRUE, TRUE), # use the SS bootstrap module for sampling
nyrs_vec = c(6, 6), # Years to project OM forward
nyrs_assess_vec = c(3, 3), # Years between assessments
rec_dev_pattern = c("none"), # Don't use recruitment deviations
impl_error_pattern = c("none"), # Don't use implementation error
rec_dev_pattern = "rand", # Don't use recruitment deviations
scope = "2", # to use the same recruitment devs across scenarios.
impl_error_pattern = "none", # Don't use implementation error
run_parallel = TRUE,
sample_struct_list = sample_struct_list, # How to sample data for running the EM.
seed = 12345) #Set a fixed integer seed that allows replication
Here, only 5 iterations are run per scenario; However, in a real MSE analysis, running 100+ iterations would be preferred, so that the full range of uncertainty (given observation and process errors) is visible in the results.

### Summarize results and view output

The function `SSMSE_summary_all` can be used to summarize the model results in a list of dataframes. Note that if you have issues, try reinstalling SSMSE using `remotes::install_github("nmfs-fish-tools/SSMSE")` and restarting your R session. Also, make sure you are using the development branch versions of [r4ss]( and [ss3sim]( (by installing `remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@development")` and `remotes::install_github("ss3sim/ss3sim@development")`. These versions should be installed automatically when SSMSE is downloaded.
The function `SSMSE_summary_all` can be used to summarize the model results in a list of dataframes.

# Summarize 1 iteration of output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,8 +283,7 @@ If you are interested in contributing, please read the [NMFS Fisheries Toolbox R

SSMSE is still a work in progress, with basic framework in development. Some new directions we hope to work on shortly:

- Expanding on examples to illustrate the package
- Improving usability of the wrapper functions that users access
- Expanding on examples to illustrate the package (e.g., illustrating how performance metrics can be calculated)
- Adding more complex sampling options
- Adding functions to calculate performance metrics
- Adding functions to make some basic plots of diagonstics and results
Expand Down

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