for wsl systems (ubuntu in this case but use the package manager for your distro):
install zsh
sudo apt install zsh
install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
Drop the shades-of-purple.zsh-theme file in to the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
Open your ZSH preferences using nano ~/.zshrc
and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME="shades-of-purple"
change your font to Inconsolata for Powerline in the windows terminal settings, ubuntu (under profiles) > appearance > font face
Refresh ZSH by typing source ~/.zshrc
on the command line.
changing the colour scheme
open windows terminal settings (ctrl+,)
press open JSON file
paste the below text into the "scheme" section of the json file
"background" : "#2D2B55",
"black" : "#000000",
"blue" : "#6943ff",
"brightBlack" : "#808080",
"brightBlue" : "#0066ff",
"brightCyan" : "#00ffff",
"brightGreen" : "#33ff00",
"brightPurple" : "#cc00ff",
"brightRed" : "#ff0000",
"brightWhite" : "#ffffff",
"brightYellow" : "#ffff00",
"cyan" : "#80fcff",
"foreground" : "#A599E9",
"green" : "#3ad900",
"name" : "Shades of Purple",
"purple" : "#ff2c70",
"red" : "#D90429",
"white" : "#c7c7c7",
"yellow" : "#FAD000"
save the file in the windows terminal settings press on appearance and select the shades of purple theme
You should also change the default found to this one (
if this does not work press on the profile oyu want e.g. powershell and select the profile under the appearance tab