Please see upstream project page for the basic list of its features.
Last merge: 2024-03-03
Please see brown fork page for list of fork features.
Thanks and due respect to:
- original author, Alexandre Rouma, for his great work.
- MSHV author, LZ2HV, for his great work.
- logmmse/python authors for their great work.
- OMLSA authors for their great idea and implementation.
- imgui-notify author for his great work
- implot author for his great work
- alexander-sholohov (github) for his work on soapy_sdr module.
- Cropinghigh / Indir for his work on extra VHF modes.
Found an issue? Fork is worse than original? File an issue.
- to debug in windows in virtualbox env, download mesa opengl32.dll from
- make sure you put rtaudiod.dll in the build folder's root otherwise audio sink will not load.
- use system monitor to debug missing dlls while they fail to load.
- put into your ~/.gradle/ this line: sdrKitRoot=/home/user/SDRPlusPlus/android-sdr-kit/sdr-kit
- it can obtained + built from:
- docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t android-sdr-kit .
- docker start android-sdr-kit # it will exit
- docker cp be03210da56a:/sdr-kit . # will create directory with built binary libs, replace be03210da56a with id obtained from 'docker ps -a'
- use jdk11 for gradle in android studio. Android Studio -> Settings -> ... -> Gradle -> Gradle JDK . This is needed if you have various errors with unaccessible fields.
- in case of invalid keystore error (should not happen with jdk11):
- you may create new keystore with current jdk version: ~/soft/jdk8/bin/keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug2.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- use this filename (debug2.keystore) in app/build.gradle along with passwords in the signingConfigs -> debug section.
Good luck.