gs-ogcfeat-datastore is a Geoserver DataStore extension that can be used to publish cascaded collections from a backend OGCFeat service as WMS, WMTS or other Geoserver services.
Module Status
- Initial version - Work-in-Progress
- available As-Is
Geoserver / Geotools Version in branches
- main: gs 2.26.2, gt 32.2
- 2.26.2: gs 2.26.2, gt 32.2
- 2.26.1: gs 2.26.1, gt 32.1
- 2.26.0: gs 2.26.0, gt 32.0
- This Repository contains original code - see LICENSE
- This repository contains modified and derived code from both GeoTools and Geoserver
- GeoTools license
- GeoServer license
- Supports publishing OGCFeat collections from a cascaded OGCFeat service
- Initializes datastore with data from backend OGCFeat service metadata links (see requirements for backend service below)
- Constructs featuretypes with metadata from backend OGCFeat schema responses
- BBOX filter MUST be supplied in Query
- Simple BBOX filtering is based on backend OGCFeat service BBOX filtering
- Complex filtering is implemented as backend OGCFeat service BBOX filtering with post processing via FilteringFeatureReader in gs-ogcfeat-datastore
- Projection support is based on backend OGCFeat service CRS support
- Supports next link paging and limiting of page size and page count
Requirements for backend OGCFeat service
- Backend OGCFeat service must support Landing page, conformance,collections,schema for this extension to work properly
- OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core
- OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference
- OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and Common Query Language (CQL2)
- OGC API - Features - Part 5: Schemas - draft partial Schema support for collections is required
Issues and Todos
- (x) Fix: Storing a Basic Auth authorized backend fails in outer Geoserver code? -- landing page, /conformance /collections schema etc work just fine after
- (x) Todo: Confirm compatibility with Geoserver AXIS ORDER and reprojections
- (/) Done: refactor to org.geotools.api interfaces and
- (x) Partial: JDK17+ and other compatibility issues -- github actions builds for JDK17, JDK21
- Copy target/gs-ogcfeat-datastore-2.24.2.jar and swagger-models-2.2.16.jar to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib
- add an OGCFeat datastore and publish layers as usual
- Datastore URL is the OGCFeat service landing page